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I entered the apartment which was meant for the dorm me and the five other trainees will be staying it. I decided to look around.

There was two full bathrooms, one half bathroom, three small rooms; each with a bunk bed, two small dressers and two desks, a small kitchen and a  living room. I sat down on the comfy couch of the living room anxiously, waiting for the other trainees, not daring to claim a room just yet.

I reached to grab my phone from my pocket to watch some tiktoks or call my mom while I wait, but I forgot that the company took it so I just reached into a hopelessly phone-less pocket. The only thing I could grab was an old candy wrapper and loose rubber band.

My heart sank as I realized I wouldn't be able to call my mom.

For a few seconds I panicked and wondered if I should just give up and go back home to go to college. But I stopped myself. Still, I was split between going back home and staying here. I got the idea that if I don't debut as an idol in one year, I'll go back home and go to college.

About ten minutes later, the door of the apartment opened, and there stepped out a good looking boy. He had chocolate brown hair, big glittery eyes, and a perfect nose. The thing that stood up to me the most was his eyes; they were one of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They looked so expressive and that shine was so charming.



What am I doi-

"Do I have something on my face? Why are you starting at me??" the boy asked. "Oh uhm. No? Yeah? Maybe? I don't know," I said, panicking. I probably looked so akward and weird to him.

"Is that a yes or a no?" the boy asked. I was relieved when I saw he didn't look mad. In fact, he had a small smile on his face. He looked amused.

I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the redness of my face. What an embarrassing way to meet this person.

The boy chuckled lightly. "You're kinda cute," he said. I looked up at him, surprised. "W-what?" I asked, turning a brighter shade of red. How the fuck could he say that so easily?

"You're cute," he repeated, but this time he ruffled my hair a bit. Normally in such situation I would brush him off, but I was too emersed in his beauty and how such a handsome man would say that I'm cute.

I forced myself not to think of him that way. I'm gay, but I can't show it. If I do, it would ruin everything. I would be kicked out for sure.

It's one of the reasons my dad abuses me. He's dead ass homophobic. He's the definition of homophobic. He looks at me like I'm some dirty rat instead of his son and whenever he finds out I have a boyfriend, he makes me break up with him. He threatens me saying if I don't break up with him he would beat the shit out of him.

Since I would love that person, I would do exactly what he says, no questioning, no arguing, and especially no fighting back.


The boy was too cute to handle. I just wanted to squeeze those cheeks (a/n: face cheeks u dirty minded rats) of his. Obviously I didn't, imagine going to some person you literally just met and squeezing their fucking cheeks?...like hello-o!?

"Oh, and I'm Minho," I added, acting like it just came through my mind to introduce myself. "I'm Han Jisung," he said. "Han...Imma call you Hannie then." I declared, secretly waiting for his reaction. He didn't react in a bad way that signaled he didn't like the sudden nickname. Instead he blushed (hard) and nodded slightly. "Wanna be my roommate?" I asked casually, in a tone that seems like I don't give a crap how he answers.

"Oh...sure," Han replied. Yes! "Ok, let's go then," I said calmly, choosing a random room. He followed me, grabbing his suitcase and bag.

He looked so tiny and cute wearing those baggy sweatpants and t shirt. It's weird that I want to be closer to this cute teen.

"Do you want top or bottom?" I asked. "Uh...erm...bottom is fine," he said. I know his mind went to the dirty, to be honest I had to hold in my laughter that practically seemed to beg to come out.

I nodded. "Sure, I'll take the top." I said. I chose a dresser and desk and started unpacking the random shit I packed at 3 in the morning half asleep before going to sleep this morning.

861 words

A/N: im blasting billie eilish and the weeknd through my headphones at 1 a.m writing this. also what do u think is the most underated songs by skz? i think sunshine and maze memories (im addicted to those songs and 5 star rn)

also im sry for the short chapter, i'll make the next one longer

//Thank you for reading//

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