Where are we???

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(Everything that is happening at the moment as occurred after civil war and the team has made up to the most part, however their is still tension when ever that incidence was mentioned. home coming has happened. Non of that end game - we do not need that negativities in our lives)

(when looking at it by the AOS - agents of shield POV we are starting from the start seasons 1 going into season 4. Coulson and may are basically his uncle and aunty as he calls them that and the rest of the team are basically his siblings) sorry because that is all that I have seen ATM but am currently continuing all that.

Tony/peter - irondad

peter/ MJ - forgot what it was called lol

pepper/ tony - pepperony

Steve/ Bucky - Stucky

tony doesn't know this but director fury has actually known peters secret for a long time and offered him a place in shield and peter parker is more commonly know as - Agent Mischief because of all the prank he's pulled however know one in shield besides the obvious know his real name or age and because of this he is basically a myth that people have. He is also now living with director NICKY, after May died 2 years ago. he has been in shield longer than he has known tony. the original deal that was made for him to join the shield team was only if he, was allowed to call Director Fury, Nicky or furry . Fury ended up agreeing and secretly loves it and thinks of him as a nephew/ is protective over him.

Peter parker POV

"Bye NIcky" I called as I ran out of the house. Today had just began but already I knew it was going to be different than anticipated. This is because my stupid peter - I mean Spidey tingle was acting up. But not in any way that screams danger more like be alert.

Running to the bus stop I realized that I had just missed it as i saw it zooming down the street, damn i was already running late for school. On top of that i had a raging headache that had just started. I know usual you would be thinking a headache why is that bad. well it is bad because I have never been sick or gotten a headache since the spider bite. 

So far i have also gotten really good at blending in and making sure people don't notice my so called alter ego. the only people knowing being. Mr Stark, Aunt May, Ned, MJ, Pepper, and Director Fury or as i like to call him Nicky. Who i may or may not of threatened to keep a secret - see above for information.

Deciding their is no point in stressing about it hoping it would pass, i started walking to school. Grabbing my phone and texting Ned that i may be a little late due to missing the bus, i continued on my way.

At least that's all i remember, here i am now, with fuzzy vision and wobbly knees in a pitch black room. Groaning i try to keep my eyes open but it feels like the weight of the world is pushing me down. however i do know one thing, where the person used to put me to sleep was strong.

however i am fully awake and taken out of my thoughts when i hear a bunch of others talking unfortunately i notice that all dies down when one main thing was said. "Peter". I know that voice any where and quickly shoot my eyes open.

Tony's POV

I woke up with a fuzzy feeling in my head groaning i went to roll over on my bed when suddenly. BANG. I fell straight onto ... Eyepatch, that seemed to of woken him up. He quickly shoved me off him and started coughing, to say i was surprised was an understatement. that was probably the most amount of emotions i have ever seen from that man.

however it did not last long as the next thing i knew their was a lot of groaning coming from all around me. immediately i went on alert obviously knowing a few things about being kidnapped.

that was when i finally had a look around the room  noticed where we were. it was a very very high tech cinema. i mean obvious the ones that we have around the compound are 1000 times better, because i made them but still i guess this was okay, for . . . others?

that was when i also heard spangles speaking, god his voice is annoying anyways. "Guy's where are we". i mean that was a dumb question their were a lot of people in the room some who i had no idea and had never seen before and others, who are known as my so called associates. noticing no one else was going to say anything i decided why not annoy the hell out of spangles, replying with the, "how the fuck are we supposed to know spangles i though after 70 years in ice you would be used to waking up in random places", my voice lacing with sarcasm.

that probably wasn't the best choice of wording i could of come up with, because that seems to of lead into a full blown argument starting with . . . you guessed it lAngUagE. this also seems to be when the others started waking up and looking around the room. many different insults were getting thrown between me and cap, i guess you could say their is still a lot of tension. that was until we heard another groan coming from he back of the room. immediately everybody quieted down, since all the people that we know where already here. you could see everybody getting in their fighting stances, that is until i notice who it is.

"Peter" my voice was laced with concern. everyone who knew me well just looked at me shocked, "Mr Stark" my i mean the kid replied with uncertainty, i quickly walked over to him and eloped him in a loving hug.

Nicky's POV

looking around the room in amazement, obviously not on my face wouldn't want to ruin my reputation i have tried so hard to earn. however i must say who ever managed to kidnap me the director of shield is one thing but all of earths so called mightiest hero's. now if they weren't the villain i might of though about a job opportunity.

When i heard Mischief's real name called out by stark i immediately went on alert, but relaxed after realizing that he does not know about him being Mischief and only his alter ego. you could see the concern on peters face when he said Mr Stark, honestly it broke me on the inside. just not on the outside. Mischief quickly eloped Stark in a hug obvious not having looked around  first, because we all know he would of been fanboying over them.

"Mhm" i cleared my throat, immediately everybody's attention was drawn to me that is except parkers, just now noticing their are others in the room. his mouth was hanging agape as he saw everybody that was positioned around him, lastly falling on me. quickly realizing everybody was still looking at me, i raised an eye brow towards peter, acting like i don't know him. 

that's when peter spoke up with the question that ever body had in mind.

"where are we"

Words - 1200

thanks for an awesome first chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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