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Warning: language/ making out


She was amazing. Her Brown eyes and Light brown hair. Her amazing scent and style. I loved her. I loved her since we met before she changed. I wish I told her sooner but this kiss was everything I ever wanted. Her lips tasted like cherry's and looking back into her eyes. She was truly the most beautiful girl in the world.

We got to lunch and sat down by our friends and I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss we shared together. Draco couldn't stop looking at me and every time I caught him looking at me I could feel the butterflies forming in my stomach. Looking into his Grey/Silver eyes, he was truly beautiful. While we were eating we started talking about sneaking out the castle and going to the black lake and having a just only Slytherin party. We passed the word around and everyone agreed. We kept it only to Slytherin and we were ready. Today was Friday and since the party was tonight we could party all night because we didn't have school the next morning. We all agreed on the time and it was starting at 12 in the morning and ended when everyone was ready. During a conversation between Pansy and Anami, Draco put his hand on my thigh and I felt butterfly's in my stomach. " do you want to get out of here?" Draco whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and I walked out first then about 3 minutes later Draco came out. We ran to the Slytherin common room and we went to his dorm. He had his own dorm since he was a pure blood billionaire and his dad bought it for him. We were rich too but not as much as them. My mom offered to get me my own dorm but I chose to share with my fiends. We got to his dorm and he started kissing me . He picked me up by my waist and I wrapped my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. He leaned me against the wall and we started making out. He slowly made his way down to my neck and started kissing it leaving purple love marks aka hickeys. After a while he threw me on his bed and then removing his shirt. Not breaking the kiss. He slowly started removing my shirt. In between kissing. my shirt was unbuttoned reveling my black Lacey bra. He started kissing my neck making me slightly moan. He moved his way down to my chest then stomach. I put my arms around him and started kissing his lips. Then pushing him on the bed then getting on top of him. I kissed him then kissed he neck leaving hickeys. We didn't do anything beside make out since we just got together today. After a while of making out we decided to stop and button our shirts back up then go to class. We weren't late to class we were actually right on time. Our class was professor McGonagall's class. I sat next to Anami and I usually just slept the whole class. Draco and Blaise sat next to each other. And Mattheo sat with Lia. Pansy sat with her new boyfriend from the other night. I was fixing to go to sleep when I caught Anami looking at me. " Did you and Draco hook up?" She asked. " I looked over at Draco then back at her and nodded. " but all we did was make out" I told her before she got too excited. " oh my gosh Y'all finally-"she blurted out, Making peoples heads turn. I put my hand over her mouth before she could finish and then everyone stopped looking at us then back at the lesson. We talked about it then I finally put my head down and went to sleep. I woke up as people were leaving. My friends were still packing up and waiting for me. I got up and waited for them. Me and Draco told the group at dinner that we were officially dating and they were ecstatic about it. Soon it was time for lights out. And around 10:30 we started gettting ready for the party. We all decided not to dress in dresses that we were doing more of a casual look. Basically like shorts and a shirt or hoodie. I wore this

 I wore this

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We all basically wore the same thing just different colors

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We all basically wore the same thing just different colors. I stole one of Draco's hoodies after we made out in his room that looked like This and I was going to wear it if it was cold.

 I stole one of Draco's hoodies after we made out in his room that looked like This and I was going to wear it if it was cold

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After everyone got ready. Everyone in Slytherin besides 1-2 years came and we all waiting in the common room waiting for the clock too hit twelve.

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Draco's Girl ( A Draco Malfoy x Y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora