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* warning: language

"Shit!" Lia yelled out. "What" I said while jumping up. We're late for class. Fuck! I said while running to the bathroom. I put on my green plaid skirt,my shirt and my robe and I put on my Nike blazers and ran to class. I didn't know how drunk I got last night until the hang over this morning. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 8:20Am meaning I was late to my fathers class. And not 5 minutes late, I was twenty minutes. Out of all classes I could of been late too I had to be late to his. I quietly walked in the class trying to sneak to my seat next to Draco and Anami. Draco saw me on the floor crawling to the table and he was giggling to himself. I was so close to the table when I looked at Draco and he looked up above me and started laughing then quickly put his hand over his mouth. " ISABELLE JANE SNAPE!" I heard a loud dark voice from behind me. Shit I said while mumbling to myself. "Get off the floor" my dad said while looking at me. I got up and brushed off my skirt and I looked at him. " Sorry dad there was traffic in the hallway" I told him while trying not the laugh." Really?" He said while looking into my soul. " no I lied but it was a good lie right?" I told him. I was generally scared for my life right now. "Listen I"I got cut off my dad. " tell me why you were late" he said with his arms crossed. " I was trying too but your big mouth cut me off" I mumbled under my breath. WHAT! He yelled at me. Nothing I said while backing up. "You are 20 minutes late to my class and where is your bag?" He said while pointing down. Shit- I forgot it" I told him. He was lecturing me while class is important and that I'm waiting class time when I looked over at Draco and he was doing a stupid look and when I mean it took everything in me not to laugh I mean it. " something funny?" He asked me. "No, can I-"
He cut me off again. " Go sit down now!" He said angrily." I was trying too but yet again you can't stop interrupting me with your fat ass mouth" I mumbled. I guess he had eagle hearing because he asked me to stay after class. And I know that when he asks me to stay after class it was bad. I sat down next to Draco and we both looked at each other and started giggling. " Mr. Malfoy, do you want to see me after class as well?" Dad blurted out. Draco was low key scared of getting in trouble with my dad because of my dad being friend with his dad. " No sir" Draco said while he was trying so hard not to laugh. He began with he lesson and wouldn't stop glaring at me. After class ended Draco and Pansy was trying to leave and I was hiding by them so I could sneak out. " ISABELLE I SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE BEFORE YOU GET GROUNDED!" Dad yelled out. I looked at Draco and Pansy then gave them a hug before walking to dads desk. " your a teacher your not supposed to cur-" I tried telling him before he cut me off again. " you're hung over" he said while glaring at me. What no I'm not, I told him trying to convince him. " Walk behind my desk" he said while picking up his wand. "Fine- I drank a little bit last night!" I blurted out. I knew he was going to do the alcohol spell to see whether or not, I was lying about drinking. And I knew if I was caught lying, then I'll be in more trouble than if I told him the truth. " Who has the alcohol?" he said while looking at me angrily. I told him that it was only me and that we drank the only bottle I had last night. He lectured me for about an hour and then let me finally leave. I was walking to lunch when Draco jumped out the Corner scaring the shit out of me. " Draco what the fuck!" I yelled out. He started laughing and then walked with me to lunch. I told him that dad found out I was hung over. He laughed and stopped walking. He stepped in front of me and started looking into my eyes. I was staring back into his and I started to blush. " Last night I ment the kiss" he said while still looking into my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was happy that he liked me back. " Really?" I told him while smiling. He leaned me against the wall and placed his cold lips onto mine. We started kissing and he placed one hand on my waist and the other on my chin. I could feel firework going off and this was the best moment ever. We stoped kissing and we looked into each others eyes before finally walking to lunch.

Draco's Girl ( A Draco Malfoy x Y/nUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum