The priest for her part just listened and nodded every so often, taking in everything that Sirius said with a calm smile. Finally when he was done they both sat there for the longest of time until finally Sirius asked, " i worthy of god's love, even with all i have done on this earth?"

The Priest was silent for a bit as she clearly thinks on what Sirius told her, until finally she softly takes both of Sirius hands, looking at him straight in the eyes she says towards him. "My son, you have been given a hard road in life. You have bared so much on your shoulders that it does break my heart how the faith has treated Mages. But as to whether or not you are denied salvation then no you are not because our god is a loving god, for while some may hate god and deny god's love. God will love you all the same for we are all god's children."

Sirius was silent as the Priest asked the man, "as for your sins. Would you like for me to absolve them for you? For I can assure you it is the first step towards redemption for which you are looking for."

As Sirius stepped forward to be blessed by the priest, he bowed his head, that is when he felt a great pressure and power coming from the priest and when he looked up to the priest what he saw shocked him, for what he saw were pure white angel wings coming from her back. His shocked face caught her attention and she just smiled a serene smile.

"Worry not child" she said "For with the grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, your cry for healing, your cry for Salvation, your cry for Redemption has been heard by the Great I Am. Repent for your Sins child, for by the Grace of the Father and the sacrifice of the Son, your Sins are forgiven, go Sirius Orion Black III, go and sin no more for your sins are forgiven by the Precious Blood of the Son."

As she finished this, Sirius felt all the sins of his past fall off, he felt the guilt of failing his brother in all but blood fall off of him, his failure in protecting his godson turned goddaughter fall off, everything he had ever done, all the sins he had committed. Everything he felt fell off, and for the first time in years he felt lightened, he felt truly forgiven and redeemed. He looked up to thank the Angel but she was already gone and the only evidence that she was even there were pure white feathers falling from when she had been standing.

As Sirius stared at the spot where the Angel had stood, he lifted up his heart to the Lord with a prayer 'Oh Heavenly Father I thank you for sending your lost now found child one of your heavenly host to me, and I promise you for the rest of my days all I shall do is sing your praise. For I was once lost but now I'm found, and your ever present grace has saved me, whatever your will is on earth oh father it shall be done with all my heart and all of my strength this I pray to you oh Father Amen.'

Even though Sirius couldn't see it in her workshop in Heaven the Lord of all Creation, one of the trinity had a wonderful and bright smile on her face.


With a groan, Dumbledore awoke from his rather forceful sleep, the last thing he remembered before a blinding and heavy blow to the head, was a young Cat boy around the age of a fifth or sixth year, in all honesty he was a rather handsome boy, but his rather inhuman features disturbed and scared him, especially his eyes, those Pink eyes held only dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty, and his smirk only promised pain and torture.

"Ahh, sleeping Beauty finally awakes." a voice called out. A German accented voice, Dumbledore recognized, he looked up and saw a very portly blond hair man, he felt familiar as if he had met him once before.

"I was hoping that dear Schrödinger, didn't do you in too early, after all." His smile stretched wide to an almost insane degree. "I need you alive for our little Heart to Heart later."

Then it hit him like lighting, that voice, that slightly manic twinge in his voice it was that Muggle SS Major that he met with Gellert all those years ago, back before the muggle second world war, back when his sweet Gellert tried one more time to have him on his side, but how! HOW HAD THIS MUGGLE, REMAINED SO YOUNG!!!!

"How" Dumbledore asked, his voice low from disuse, "How are you so young"

All the Major did was chuckle "Ahh dear Albus, that is my secret. But do not worry our talk will come soon, and all the little questions in your little head will be answered but." his voice became teasing at this point "But I don't think you will like it."

He left the room chuckling at the old man's cries of rage and hate, 'Ahh oh well' the Major thought. 'It is now time to address the men and tell them about Operation Heimkommen,' he continued along until he reached the main arena, and there he saw His men not the old men of the Opera House, HIS men, he walked up the stairs to the main stage and grabbed the microphone and spoke.

As he went to speak, his men, his brave and always loyal men, greeted him with a loud cry coming from them all "SIEG HEIL, SIEG HEIL, SIEG HEIL, SIEG HEIL." He smiled a genuine smile at this, 'ahh' how he loved his men, they truly deserved the Krieg they were planning.

"Now now my friends" he said "We need to calm down or else you won't hear my glorious plan."

It was like a switch was flipped, the entire arena quieted instantly.

"Ahh my friends" the Major started "My true and loyal men, I am happy to tell you that we are at the precipice of our plans, the only blocks in our path left are of course." The next part was said in utter contempt. "The Old Men of the Opera House." Boo's and hiss were heard all around the arena at them. "I know my friends" the Major said, "But for now they still have their uses. But my friends, now is the time for Operation Heimkommen, for as we all know our new nationalist brothers tried to vote their way in a few months back." His voice carried a mocking tilt when he said brothers, "But now it falls to Millennium to help them with what little training we have given them; they will distract the world from us and our true goal. Now Operation Weltkrieg is still a year or two away from completion and we don't want Alucard and Hellsing to know about us just yet." At this the entire arena chuckled.

"Yes, our Surprise must be kept a secret still, but do not worry my friends we all will enjoy the plan when it comes to fruition. Now regardless of Heimkommen success or defeat our main plan will happen. After all," his smile fell and a look of pure hatred overcame him "It is all the Fatherland's fault."He said the word Fatherland with malice and hatred. " And it continues to fail us with the defeat of the new nationalist block. It of course falls to us to help them." his voice grew loud and he called out "SO!, WHAT SAY YOU MEN WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!"

In one voice they all cry out " KRIEG, KRIEG, KRIEG, KRIEG, KRIEG, KRIEG!." the Major had a demented smile on his face as he then called out "VERY WELL MEN, YOU SHALL HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. WE WILL HAVE KRIEG!" The surrounding men then called out "Sieg Heil" as the Major smiled as he looked over them. 'Soon' he thought 'Berlin will burn.'


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