The End of an Era...

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The officer tried to reach out to me, but I backed away. "Don't do this in front of my kids please!"

"B...Don't let them add resisting arrest...Just go with them—I'll get your mom and the kids settled."

I watched as my mom and Megan usher the kids in the house—but Blue she kept looking back at me. The way her eyes darkened with sadness hurt me to my core, I felt like the biggest failure again to her.

A few hours later

I've been locked inside a cold dimly lit interrogation room for hours now. I had no idea what time it was since my phone and watch were taken. And so far, there hasn't been one sign of Nasir. My mind was racing with so many different things—my main concern was Onika. I saw the blood on the blanket—which led me to believe Robyn was most likely in Atlanta and somehow this was her doing.

The door opened and in came two men dressed business casual. One took a seat and the other stood in the corner.

The guy placed a thick manila envelope in the front of me and smiled like he had won the lotto.

"Beyoncé- "

"It's Dr. Knowles to both of you."

He scoffed. "Let's just cut to the fucking chase 'Dr. Knowles', where the fuck she is?"

"I have no idea...She left my office two nights ago at the end of her shift. That's the last time I saw her."

The guy sat back in his chair pulling at his goatee. "You see that's my problem—you were the last person to see her. And to my understanding we have video footage of you and your security friend actively kidnapping her from a hotel bathroom some months back. Let's also add to the fact that we found this bloody blanket inside the pool house at your residence. And also, let's not forget you halfway beat Ms. Maraj to death two years back..." The guy pulled out some photos out envelope dropping them in front of me.

I caught a glimpse of Onika's swollen—barely unrecognizable face that was caused by me. I had run into Onika coming off the elevator after the altercation and I was stunned by the amount of damage I did. That was before Robyn ambushed her and probably made the wounds, I had already given her even worst. My throat got tight and the air around me became thick—the only thing I could do was cowardly look away.

"This is what you did Dr. Knowles—this is damage you've already inflicted on this young lady...So please just tell us where she is, we can help you way more than you think."

"I already told you the last time I saw Onika she was leaving my office. I didn't clock out the hospital until almost 12 am. You can check the cameras! And as to how that bloody blanket got there—I don't know but I have an idea of who probably put it there!"

"And who would that be?" He slyly grinned giving the impression that they were five steps ahead of me.

The guy in the corner cleared his throat- now it was his turn to present a manila envelope.

"A week ago—NYPD received a call of an apartment fire in the Bronx. Upon their discovery they found the remains of a female. Burned beyond recognition—that female had extensive dental work done—over 20,000 in cosmetic procedures. That female is your ex-wife Robyn Fenty Knowles...The dental records match..."

He placed the pictures of the charred body down in front of me—ain't no telling who the hell that was but I surely knew it wasn't Robyn. For one             Robyn never had any work done to her teeth, not even the one I punched out her mouth when I found out she put her hands on my child. But by looking down at the pictures I could tell whoever she hired to do this job was someone on my dad's team—this is something of his work.

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