Chapter 1

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When I was a little girl I had tons of imaginary friends. Unbeknownst to me, they weren't imaginary at all. They were the ghosts I lived with. My family thought I was insane when I told them I was a medium. They told me that people don't see ghosts and anyone who did was clearly losing their mind. That is until my grandmother passed away and I was able to tell them what was in her will before we had the reading of it. She had been my only supporter, my lifeline as a teen and into my early twenties. She told me once she had the ability to see them once, long ago. However, because she was told she was crazy she ignored her gifts and they slowly went away, never to be used again. So, after she died and left me everything she had, I did what any reasonable 22-year-old would do. I sold the house and bought one in LA. Nobody knew me there, I could start over and believe me when I say, I really started over.

When I moved to LA I didn't know anyone so I decided to become who I had always wanted to be. After the house came myself of course. I went to the salon and had them split dye my hair, half black and half galaxy colored. I then went out and got myself the emo wardrobe of my dreams. I know it's cliche but it was what I wanted to wear for ages but wasn't allowed to because of living in my parents home. I got a few tattoos over the first few months in LA, to remind me of where I came from and to never go back to being that sad person again. I got a job at a haunted mansion and was lead tour guide, since I could speak to the ghosts directly. 

I had been working there a few months when I got a call on my night off. Weird. I thought as I answered the call quickly, seeing it was my boss.

"Hey Jules, what's up?" I asked.

"Hi Fiona, I'm sorry to call but we have an overnight group filming tonight for a YouTube channel and I was wondering if you'd be willing to be here as a medium for them?" she replied kindly.

"Why do they want a medium?" I ask.

"Well, there are a few of these guys who think they have gifts. They want a real medium here to verify if they do and when they are correct or incorrect." she explained.

"What's it pay?" I question.

"$750." she said calmly.

"What time should I be there?" I say immediately. I'm not short on money because of Grandma but hey, money is money.

"See you in 30." she says.

"See ya soon Jules." I say as I hang up. I quickly throw my look together and walk to the mansion. It's only 15 minutes walk so I get there right on time.

"Fiona, thank you for coming in on short notice. They boys will arrive in 15 minutes." Jules tells me.

"Sounds good, I'll go wake the dead." I chuckle as I head inside to say my ghostly hellos.

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