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𝖫𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖺'𝗌 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 (𝖲𝖺𝗆𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖫𝖾𝗏𝗂𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇'𝗌 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽)

I spent the days in my room, covered with posters and various knick-knacks, listening to that rock music with my huge headphones. My mom and dad spent the whole day working, and came home in the evening for dinner.. while I was at school the whole morning and studied in the afternoon. I did quite well at school, I didn't have a perfect reputation, but at least I had some friends. In class, some kids looked at me in a creepy and perverted way. And instead the girls, they did nothing but gossip behind my back. They teased me about my short hair, and my body hair. They told me to shave, to grow my hair out, or nasty jokes about how "curvy" my body was. With each passing day, I realized that I was worthless to no one, that I was just a tiny dot on the earth, invisible. My friends didn't invite me to go out with them, to go to parties...basically, I was pushed aside. I didn't know what I was doing wrong. My parents didn't treat me well enough to fill that void, which many people had caused me. For those few times they showed up, they did nothing but belittle me and leave me alone. I dreamed of having another family, a perfect family, that even if there were fights, they were always fun to listen to. That even if they did something I didn't like, they knew how to apologize to me. That if they saw a smile on my face, they reciprocated it with a warm hug, almost making my heart melt.

As the days went by, school was running out. I made many friends, but they weren't the best. I changed my appearance for them, especially for them. I became what my parents didn't want me to become...myself. I started to grow my hair, I started wearing more low-cut clothes, I shaved, I didn't study anymore: basically, all I did was go out with my friends and think about my body, my actions, my clothes and personality .. only for friends.

I was at school, near those faulty vending machines, where my snack got stuck in the latter. I kicked the vending machine so that it wouldn't give me that delicious strawberry snack, then I saw someone approach me, I looked up and..ah yes, it was Viveca. She was a "friend" of mine, she was in the same girl group as me. She turned to me with a forced smile on her face and said:

"Liz, aren't you coming to the party tonight? Come on, there's that boy you like too!"
" know I don't like it when you call me by my middle name! And anyway I have plans for tonight, I have to go to dinner with my family."
"Come on! Beverley would be very upset, you know. She's a very sensitive girl and gets offended very easily, do it at least for her.. tomorrow is her birthday! She gave you many gifts, she made you have many friends!! "

I looked down with my backpack over one shoulder. I slowly looked up and looked Viveca straight in the eye.

"Okay, I'll come. I'll see how I can convince my parents."
"Great! Beverley will be delighted, see you tonight!"

I turned my back on her and walked away with my snack in hand.Beverley was not at all how Viveca had portrayed her personality. She was a filthy liar, she only hoped for my death. She made nasty jokes about me and made little jokes. She never cared about me: sure, she gave me something and made me have "friends", but only to show others that she was an angel come down from heaven. And instead I was always the one put in a bad light, always the most closed, the one put to one side of the group. But, out of all those chickens in that group, there was one girl I was particularly close to. Her name was Louise, she was the person I confided in the most in that group. She often told me about her travels in all possible universes, and how many friends she has! Instead I was just a girl with at least 2 real friends.. but not even. That day Louise came to my house to help me choose some clothes for Beverley's birthday, while confiding in me her strangest thoughts.

"Mmmh... have you ever thought about what comes after death?"
"Come on please, don't waste your time! The party is in an hour and I haven't even put on any makeup."
"Come on, it's a nice topic to talk about while you get ready, isn't it?"
"Look, we could talk about anything, but why this one???"
"What is it, are you afraid of death?"
"You asked a completely different question than this one, and a little bit anyway."
"Imagine if you, like, later wake up from a long sleep, and find yourself underground! Uuuuuu... scary~" "Come on, impossible."

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