Chapter 2

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"No way!"
"That won't work!"
"He wouldn't even let us do such a thing!"

Those were the three responses from the girls. Clearly, there wasn't much of a positive outlook on Charli's replacement idea. They were all squabbling about it until someone else walked into the room. 

"Hey, girls, have you heard about Ava? They're not sure if she's going to be able to sing tonight." Aaron spoke with a soft, sympathetic tone.
"Actually.. Maybe it could work, Charli..." Jasmine was eyeing up the quite feminine male, a smirk on her face.
"You think? Let's see how he does with this stuff first then." Charli would grab Aaron and thrust him into the chair that would have been reserved for Ava. He had no clue what was about to happen to him, but he would find out soon enough as the makeup crew was quick to start, well, the makeup.

It would only take half an hour before Aaron's usual face was now made up with Ava's usual look. He already looked like her, minus the hair. It was way too short! But there's always a solution to these things as Tayla would bring over blonde extensions to match Aaron's tone.

The hair crew was also quite quick in styling his hair to match Ava's like they knew exactly what they were doing to him. There was no time wasted as Aaron's face was completely unrecognizable as Aaron, but rather his best friend for years, Ava.

With the hair and makeup all sorted, the band had taken Aaron into the dressing room and pulled out a full outfit for Aaron in seconds. This was the only time Aaron had managed to speak in the last fifty minutes. "Okay, what the hell is going on?!" He yelled.
"Right, we probably should've checked that it was okay with you, but we needed a replacement. We can't lose this show and, as long as the fans think we have Ava, we have The Underworld Sensation." Tayla spoke slowly.
"And well, Charli thought you'd be the best option." Jasmine smiled.
"You've known her for years. We've seen you copy her mannerisms, and we've heard you singing our songs. If anyone knows how to be Ava, it's definitely you." Kelly spoke last.
"Wait, so, because you lot don't want to lose this opportunity, you just thought that it'd be best for me to take over as Ava?" 
"Pretty much.." Jasmine nervously giggled.
"F-Fine.. But this is a one-time thing! And if anyone of my friends finds out I was on stage like this, I'm going to tear you all apart." Aaron huffed.
The girls snickered at that. They all knew they could take on Aaron simply, he was just a soft, little baby.

After that conversation, they left to let Aaron get dressed. Since his body had practically rejected puberty, he didn't resemble much masculinity, which sucked for him. But, it worked out perfectly for what the band was doing. Getting out of his normal set outfit of black jeans, a shirt, and Adidas trainers, he would finally take a proper glance at what the girls pulled out for him.

 Getting out of his normal set outfit of black jeans, a shirt, and Adidas trainers, he would finally take a proper glance at what the girls pulled out for him

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He had to wear a dress and tights?! He detested that idea, but it was for Ava. It was all for Ava.

Aaron sighed as he was just glad he didn't have to wear und- No... They're making him wear the underwear too!?

(A/N: obviously, he doesn't have this kind of figure, but just focus on the style of lingerie!)

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(A/N: obviously, he doesn't have this kind of figure, but just focus on the style of lingerie!)

It's for Ava. It's for Ava. It's for Ava. He loved that girl with his full heart. His best friend wanted to do this, but she can't, so she should at least get to see 'her' doing it... Right?

Aaron would huff and get all the clothing on him, sighing at himself in the mirror. Really, he only saw Ava, not him. That was good though, he needed to be seen as the lead singer of 'The Underworld Sensation', and he did. 

Walking out of the dressing room, Jasmine would gasp as she looked at him. She was shocked by how perfectly he resembled Ava. "Well, Miss Santos, we're glad to have you ready now." Jas giggled.
"Real funny, Jazzy." He spoke sarcastically, but couldn't help chuckling himself.

Suddenly, Alicia Santos turned around the corner and looked very confused. She saw her daughter standing there in between her bandmates.. But how could she if Ava is meant to be at home right now? It didn't make sense to her at all. So much so that she ended up fainting. One of the other crew members, Steven, caught her as he also turned the corner a few seconds after her. "Woah, what happ- Ava?" His deep voice showed shock, much like what was on Alicia's face.

"It's not Ava. We've.. Had a replacement." Tayla would giggle and just smile at Aaron.
"A replacement? You've replaced Ava with Ava?" He raised his eyebrow.
"No, it's..." Jasmine looked over at Aaron, giving him a look to ask if it was okay to say.
Before Jas could speak again, Aaron just spoke. "It's Aaron. I'm doing this for these girls one time, all for Ava!"
Steven had to hold in a chuckle, thinking about how under all that makeup and hair was one of his best mates. "Right, well, just uh.. I actually thank you for that, A, it's really kind of you. I'm gonna find a place for Mrs. Santos to rest." He nodded to the girls before properly picking up the unconscious lady and taking her elsewhere.

"So, what are we meant to do until the show starts?" Aaron would look between the girls.
"Well, it all depends really." Jas shrugged.
"I think we should just go do some rehearsing. We can't have a good show without our lead singer being able to hit her high notes, huh?" Tayla giggled.
"Yeah... Don't use she/her on me." Aaron would huff at Tayla.
"You're gonna have to deal with it, Ava, you're a woman after all." Tayla would giggle again and pull him along as the other girls would follow them.

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