Chapter 1

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February 6th 2014

Two young students sat in the back of their class. It was maths class, and they couldn't care less about it! So what if it'd help them in the future? The only thing they care about in the future is being up on stage, making headlines... Well, at least the girl did. She was drawing in her book rather than doing the work on the board (multiplying fractions). It was a black and pink dress, with spikes running along the shoulders. It looked like something a rockstar would wear on stage — the stage; where she wanted to be.

"Miss Santos, are you listening to me?" 

The teacher's voice soon broke the girl's trance, making her look up at him with a nervous smile. "Y-Yeah, of course, I'm listening, sir.." She would speak slowly. "What's going on..?"
"You weren't listening, were you?" Mr. Garrick looked at her with a sour stare. 
"No." She would turn to her friend, who was clearly loving this. His stupid smile.
"Thought so. You'll be staying after this class to talk." He huffed, annoyed since this was the third time this week. "Anyways, can you answer this question for me?"

The question he pointed at was nothing too complicated: 1/3 x 9/16. But this girl hadn't been focused at all. She hadn't even gotten close to doing the question, and right there, she didn't have an answer in mind. So she bluffed it. "Uh, 3/16, sir!"

Mr. Garrick looked over in shock. She had actually gotten it correct... Simplified too. One of the girls failing had gotten a question correct. "Good work, Miss Santos."

The teacher moved on to someone new, allowing the slightly lost girl to return to her drawing. Above the stylish outfit, she wrote: 'Ava's first gig outfit.'

August 2nd 2017

It was the six weeks of summer and Ava was super excited as today was another lesson - guitar and singing, of course. She found her voice was perfect to hit crazy high notes, and guitar was just an add-on since it's what she thought she would originally be doing.

Sitting in the teacher's living room, Ava was softly strumming the strings whilst freestyling some beautifully worded lyrics. The teacher was quite impressed by the girl's ability to come up with lyrics like this on the spot. 

As much as the blonde didn't enjoy singing softly and calmly, she did enjoy hearing her own voice echo around the small room. Such bliss in a tune. Ava was ready to sing the way she wanted to... Alternative rock. It's all she wanted now. 

June 21st 2019

The final day of school. The day the small, blonde 16-year-old had been waiting for! She did pretty badly in her exams, but that was expected. Her friends had done well, but they planned that even with their good results, they'd stick with Ava. They all had that same dream to be on the biggest stage of them all, no matter what it took out of them.

One of their plans was to just completely skip college. Throughout the summers in school, all of them had gotten the lessons they needed. Ava had fun with both the singing lessons, as well as her guitar lessons. Kelly had dabbled into guitar lessons also, but she was pretty talented with the instrument already so she was good to go. Jasmine had a bit of a struggle learning her arranged instrument, the bass. It had actually taken her two lessons a week for a few of them to actually get anywhere. However, she did learn and was now very good at creating riffs. Finally, it was Tayla who had been giving the drums, all because her dad was a famous drummer. She was also naturally talented since she always watched her father's gigs. 

They were all ready to get this band thing underway. They had the skills, they just needed funding and a name. 

June 22nd 2019

Okay, funding was easy. Tayla's parents loved the idea of their daughter starting a band and practically just gave her the stuff they needed for it. Simples!

But they still need a band name. Something that will stand out to the British crowds. Something easy to remember. The four were currently sitting in Jasmine's family's basement, brainstorming ideas. Words were thrown about but nothing was really coming clear to them. 

There was a knock on the basement door as Ava's good friend, Aaron, started to walk down the stairs. Being close to Ava, he knew exactly what she wanted to do when she was older, and ever since he found out, he'd been making band name ideas as they grew older.

"Okay, you little rockstars, I have got it!" Aaron would smile at the four girls who were just staring up at him.

The girls liked Aaron due to his smaller and more feminine attributes and build. He didn't try impressing them or even flirting, he was just a kind guy who helped them when they needed him to. Exactly what they liked.

"What is it that you have, Aaron?" Jasmine would raise an eyebrow.
"A name idea, duh! Isn't that what you idiots have been trying to work out?" He would snicker.
"Well, yeah, but how do we know you have a good idea for us?" Tayla spoke up.
"Just, imagine this: The Underworld Sensation." Aaron looked at them like it was amazing.
"I mean, it's actually kinda good. It works with our alternative style..." Ava smiled at the idea.
"Yeah, it does. I like it." Tayla smiled too.
"Knew you girls would!" Aaron chuckled and sat down with the girls, who continued to chatter about the band stuff.

 7th June 2023

Tonight was the night. Three of the girls were sitting backstage, getting their makeup and hair done. This show was going to be incredible, they knew it! But, they didn't know what was happening to Ava.

Ava was sick, and not just with a common cold, there was something severely wrong. She wasn't even going to make it to the venue, let alone sing. Charli, one of their crew members, walked into the room with a scared look.
"Hey, girls, we have a really bad issue. Ava isn't going to make it tonight."
Jasmine looked over at Charli in shock. "What do you mean Ava isn't going to make it? Tonight's literally our biggest show yet!"
"She's sick, okay? She can't sing tonight."
"We're not backing out of this show, Charli, you need to find a way to fix this." Tayla would look at the crew member through the mirror as her hair was being done.
"Listen, I have some crazy idea, but I don't know if it'll work too well." Charli sighed.
"Tell us!" The girls said in unison.

Charli sighed again and stared for a second. "Well..."

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