Chapter 1: "No more secrets between us."

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I open my eyes to see Ryan sleeping peacefully next to me, and smile. He's so adorable when he's asleep.

I carefully make my way out of bed without waking him, and slip into a t-shirt and some sweatpants. Oh boy, we get to tell people we're getting married!

I giggle at the thought and remember Ryan's asleep about two feet away from me. I head out to the balcony and check the time. 6:30...perfect time to wake my brother.

The phone rings for a few seconds before he finally answers. "Hello?"

"Hey, little brother!" I say, doing my best to sound chipper.

"Kenny, why the fuck are you up so early? And why do you sound happy?" He asks, probably rolling over and trying to go back to sleep.

"Because I need you to come over today." I get straight to the point.

He sighs and sits up. "How important is this?" He asks.

"Code peanut butter." I answer. We made this code when we were kids, ranging from code funyuns to code peanut butter. Peanut butter was the most serious.

"Fine. I'll have to leave before mom wakes up, or I'll have to deal with the Spanish Inquisition." Our mother has this thing where she'll ask what you're doing, where you're going, etc, then suddenly switch to Spanish. We don't know why.

"I'll be there in three hours max." He says, then hangs up. Well, that's if he can make it from Augusta and beat Atlanta traffic.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and Ryan rests his head on my shoulder. "Why'd you get out of bed?"

"I had to call Dane." I respond. "He'll be here at about 10 something."

"Well then." Ryan whispers, kissing my neck. "That leaves us with a few hours to ourselves."

"Ryan." I whine. "We have to clean."

"We'll have time, don't worry." He says, letting his head rest on my shoulder again.

"I have to shower though." I answer, wishing I could just lead him over to the bed, couch, dining table, whichever is closest.

Okay, not the dining table, we eat there.

"Aww. Okay, I'll make breakfast. Do we have blueberries?" He asks, confusing me.

"Yeah, why?"

"So I can make blueberry pancakes and bacon." He answers, making my stomach growl like a freaking bear.

"Mmm...that sounds nice." I say.

"Yeah. Go shower, I'll make food." He says, slipping his arms from around my waist and walking back inside.

"Maybe later though." I whisper, purposely swinging my hips back and forth to tease him.

"Not working!" He yells after me.

"Tell that to your boner!" I respond, poking my head out the door. He looks down, seeing he doesn't have one, then looks back at me. "Made you look." I smirk.

"Child." He rolls his eyes.

"I love you too!" I yell, happily walking to take a shower.

"You know..." I start, walking out of our room in a Breaking Benjamin shirt and dark skinny jeans. "If I'm a child, wouldn't that make you a pedofile?" I ask, tilting my head and grabbing a piece of bacon.

"Aww, come on. I thought I was like a big teddy bear." He responds, expertly flipping a pancake and catching it in the pan.

Thank god he's shirtless. I swear, sometimes my brain...

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