✨ E I G H T ✨

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I don't think I had ever seen Flori this...angry. She looked dangerous and truth be told, it was sort of arousing.
She had Eric Northcott suspended in the air but there was a golden orb around them, no one could intervene, not even the professors.

I had a feeling she was going to get expelled for this...but surely the Headmaster wouldn't kick out the most powerful student Hogwarts has seen in a long, long time?

"Are you going to tell me why you have me like this, sweetheart?" Northcott's voice waivered. You could see him trembling but he tried to act normal, giving off a nervous laugh.

Flori eyed him like prey, her beautiful blue eyes had a flare behind them. She was pissed, and she had every right to be; he did lie about them having sex. "I am not your sweetheart. I never was, Northcott. Are you going to tell everyone the truth?"

"Miss Whitworth, I suggest we take this to my office. I'm sure we can sort whatever this is out in private, away from the eyes of the students." Professor Weasley said cautiously. I could see it in her face, she knew Flori was like a little timebomb. I think this was just the straw that broke the camels back.
She carried the weight of the last year on her shoulders. The weight of Figs death...and I knew she carried guilt about not being able to help Anne and many other things. There was only so much one person could take.

Ominis appeared at my side. I felt his hand on my arm, "What's going on?" His voice was quiet as he turned his head to me.

"Eric Northcott has been spreading rumours about him and Flori. She's snapped and I think she's about to beat the shit out of him."

Flori ignored Professor Weasley and flicked her wand to drag him closer. Her free hand popped a cork off a phial, but I didn't recognise its contents. "Tell them all the truth, or I will pour this down your throat and you won't just admit the truth but I'll reveal everything embarrassing about you."
The Gryffindor boys eyes grew wide. But he didn't respond quick enough.

"I understand most if not all of you have heard a little something about me and Eric here." She spoke loudly, addressing the room, grabbing Eric by the hair and yanking his head back whilst he was still suspended in the air, she must have ripped some hair out as he whimpered, unable to move. She tipped the potion into his mouth and forced him to close his mouth. Eric gagged a little bit.

"Tell them the truth." She hissed, her wand raised once again.

"We never had sex." He spluttered out his words. She gave him Veritaserum. Clever, I had to hand it to her. "I lied, Flori is not my girlfriend. I just wanted to make Sebastian Sallow jealous by having what he wants. I was just using you, Floribeth Whitworth. To make that cunt jealous of me. I wanted to keep you apart, he's a dirty, arrogant, selfish Slytherin and I wanted him to suffer seeing the love of his life fall for someone else."

All eyes turned to me. Great. But my attention snapped back to Flori who snarled. "You leave his name out of your filthy mouth."

His body dropped and the orb around them disappeared but Flori charged at Eric, her hands swinging violently as she pounced on him. He couldn't even fight her back, she was thrashing around, hitting every part of him she could get to, screaming as her golden hair flew around her face. I couldn't do anything except stand there and watch with my mouth open.

"You do not talk about my best friend like that you creep." Her nails scratched against his face like she was trying to rip him apart.

"Mr Sallow, help me!" Professor Weasley shrieked as she rushed to try and pull Flori off the boy. Personally, I wanted her to keep going. But I knew she would end up putting him in the infirmary if she carried on so I wrapped my arms around her middle and heaved her off the spluttering Gryffindor boy. "Take her to my classroom. Now!"

"I am not done!" She snarled, trying to lurch out of my arms. But she was small in comparison to me. Strong but not strong enough to break free of my grip. Her vanilla scented hair brushed against my face as I pulled her back firm against my chest.

"Oh my god, Northcott pissed himself!" I heard a girl squeal trying to hold her laughter.

A quick glance at him confirmed that he did in-fact piss himself and this might just be the greatest day of my entire life.
It didn't take me long to get Flori to Professor Weasley's classroom. She stopped trying to fight my grip after a couple of minutes and I sat her on one of the desks. She was looking down at her hands, shame mixed with anger in her expression.

I cupped her cheeks in my hands, lifting her head and searched her eyes for a moment. I could still see the flare behind them, she was still tense and angry - I understood why. But there was one thing I didn't understand.

"Why did you defend my name like that?" I asked gently, eyes drifting to her lips but before she could speak, Professor Weasley stormed into the room. Her face stone, lips pressed into a thin line as she made a beeline for us.

"Start talking, Miss Whitworth."

After an hour of explaining herself, a lot of tears and angry outbursts at objects in the class. Flori had told Professor Weasley everything about Eric.

"Well, I certainly see why you are mad, but that is no excuse to be drugging him. You are incredibly lucky Professor Black doesn't give much of a hoot. I should, at the very least, suspend you. But seeing as it is now the weekend I suggest you go off grounds and take some time to reflect on your actions." She then turned to me. "Mr Sallow, please escort Miss Whitworth to Hogsmeade, I am sure Sirona Ryan will take care of her."

I nodded my head as she left the room then turned back to Flori who had tears in her eyes.


She was sat on the bed, in the room Sirona showed me. The desk still littered with parchment and quills. I stood against the doorframe with my arms folded. "I'll... uh. I'll head back now but send me an owl if you need me, okay?"

As I turned to leave, my hand on the doorknob, her voice reached my ears. "Please don't go."

My heart leapt, I didn't want to go but I thought she'd still want nothing to do with me. I turned and she was on her feet now, hands tucked behind her back, chewing her lip ever so slightly. Merlin. "You asked me why I defended your name. It was because you've always defended mine. You've always been there even when I haven't been the best to you. I was being selfish... I knew you needed time after everything but I didn't want you to take time away from me... the distance, it. Hurt."

"Flo—" she held her hand up, I shut my mouth. "I spent the better part of last year chasing you around, going on those little midnight adventures  with you just to spend time with you, Sebastian. I did everything you asked of me and more because... I was trying to prove I love you. I was trying to make you see that I would do anything for you."

I couldn't speak. She loved me... she fucking loved me.
Without another moment, or even any hesitation, I closed the gap between us. My lips crushing into hers as I wrapped her up in my arms. The only place she belonged.

N'aww. We do love Sebastian in this house. I don't know about you guys but during the game I dropped everything to attend to his quests 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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