7-Monday: Morning (Fox)

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Before the hunters came, I knew of Nathan. I had been keeping an eye on him. Peering in from the woods, watching his home. There was something about him. I couldn't ever approach him. His father was a complete fool and would've killed me on sight. Staying in shadow with my friend, Bear was the only tactic I had.

Once they entered the woods, we both planned our attack. Humans can't understand my language, which makes my job of disposing of useless humans quite easy. I don't think all humans are useless. I don't think they all deserve to be tortured. Just half. The other half are vegetarians and eco-friendly bi-pedals who probably would do well to join our fight. I don't know why I was born on two legs and able to wield human objects, but perhaps my purpose is to re-do nature.

I left Bear with the last of the hunters and now I am on the hunt for Nathan. Walking through Del Wood is easy. I can easily deal with the scratchy leaves. My fur does a good job of hindering the itchiness. While humans awkwardly walk through thick mud and thorns, I live it. I breathe it. Cities and cars are what I find baffling and unnecessary. Pavement feels horrible on my clawed paws.

I see the young man sitting. By a tent. Standing in the dark, large flashlight in one hand. I hope he doesn't attack me on sight. I gotta look cute. Or at least non-threatening.

Rain fell in a light drizzle. My orange fur and shoulders were getting a bit wet as I stepped out of the darkness to meet the gaze of the human I had stalked. Yes. Stalked. That is the correct term.

He seemed confused. A humanoid fox? He probably had never seen my kind. Which made sense. I am not of this world. I was killed by hunters years ago. Instead of landing in heaven or hell, I came back as something beyond a fox and human. Sometimes odd. But something I now embraced with every fiber of my being. Something hunters feared. Something that gave them pause.

I stand now in full view, my orange, mangled fur clearly visible in Nathan's flash liught.

He gasps and stands up, wanting to go back into his tent.

Rain continues to fall. I can tell he doesn't like getting wet.

He approaches me. Normally I'd growl and bare my claws, but I know this human is not like the rest. He is genuinely curious. I feel a warmth in his soul. He's been abused. By someone who should've been his protector. His own father. My species? We'd never do that. We take care of our furry compadres. We've never had a human in our ranks. I never thought it would happen-but this guy is currently patting my head and rubbing his fingers along my triangular ears. I've never felt so needed. He smiles at me. I dare not smile back. It may look like an attack.

The sun is now starting to rise. I better get my new human companion to his new home...

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