Part Ten

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Requested by zoey_marie_quinn

Warning: Character Death.

~~~Vic's POV~~~

I was getting weaker every day, and I still haven't told Kellin. I haven't told him I was suffering from cancer. I lost all my hair from the treatment.

I told him I shaved it bold. I was scared to tell him the truth. I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. I could do the surgery because I would either end up brain dead or I wouldn't make it throw.

The doctors said it would be a miracle if I were to make it out alive. My body grew weaker as the days go on. I could barely walk without the help of Kellin.

"Vic, what is going on? You're starting to worry me," He helped me on the couch.

"I am dying Kellin," His eyes filled with tears.

"Don't say that,"

"I-I have-" I was cut off as I started coughing violently.

I opened the palm of my hand. I have been coughing up a lot of blood. I looked over at Kellin.

"I have cancer Kellin," He brought his hand to his face,

"Why didn't you tell me?" He cried.

"I-I don't want you to-"

I started coughing again coughing up more blood. I was getting weaker and weaker.

"You're going to the hospital." I wasn't strong enough to argue.

I nodded weakly agreeing with him. He gently placed me in the passenger seat. He bucked my seatbelt and jumped into the driver seat.

During the car ride, I felt my eyes going weaker and weaker.

"Vic keep your eyes open," I tried I honestly was, but I wasn't strong enough.

My eyes closed and everything went black.

~~~Kellin's POV~~~

"Vic?" He didn't respond.

Tears perk in the corner of my eyes. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I parked the car jumping out running over to Vic's side. I scooped him up into my arms.

"Stay with me, Vic!" I ran into the hospital.

"Help someone, please help me!"

The doctor came running taking Vic out of my arms placing him on a gurney. They rolled him away not allowing me to go back with him.

I have been at this hospital for an hour waiting to see if Vic was okay. A doctor walked up to me.

"Mr. Fuentes?" I nodded. When Vic and I got married, I took his last name.

"We are running some test on your husband right now. Are you aware he has cancer?" I nodded.

"Is he going to make it?" He looked down at his clipboard.

"We have to wait until the test result come back,"

"Am I allowed to see him?"

"He is in room 102," The doctor answered.

"Thanks," I got up slowly making my way to his room.

I stopped at his door. I was scared to see the horrible image behind the closed door. I slowly opened the door preparing for the horrible images.

I looked in, and I wanted to scream. Vic was hooked up to a machine tube sticking all in his skin and his heart barely beating. I slowly made my way over to his bed.

I grabbed a chair pulling it up beside his bed. I took a seat grabbing his hand, and he felt lifeless.

"Vic I know you can't hear me. I want to let you know that I love you," I started crying using my free hand to wipe the tears from my face.

"I wish you would have told me sooner. We could have avoided saying goodbyes,"

"Mr. Fuentes?" I turned toward the door, and it was the same doctor from earlier.

"Y-Yes? He took a deep breath.

"I am sorry to say that there's nothing we can do. He is too far into the stage," I let my head fall.

"Say your goodbyes," He patted my shoulder.

"Thanks, Doctor," I took one last look at Vic.

"I am sorry this happened to you,"

I got up and placed my hand on his heart. His heart was slowly beating.

"I know you will always be with me in my heart. I love and miss you, Vic. I hope to see you soon," His monitor went blank, and I lowered my head.

~~~Three Years Later~~~

It has been three years since the death of my husband. I still can't believe I had lost him.

It kills me from the inside out. Now I am standing over his grave tears falling from my eyes.

"I miss you, Vic," I dropped to my knees.

I placed the teddy bear that he brought me on our first date on his tombstone.

"I will see you soon,"

~~~The end~~~

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