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Night had soon transit with noon and the regularly seen stars and clouds appeared above

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Night had soon transit with noon and the regularly seen stars and clouds appeared above. Yozora and Soocheol sat on the rooftop of the café they were sheltering in. Two cans of carbonated drinks on either sides of them, half way done as they take occasional sips of it-wishing it was cold for better taste.

Instead of the drink,it was the atmosphere they were in that was cold. Tensed and awkward. After what had happened between them few hours ago.


Soocheol pecked her soft lips before he locked eyes with her,words slipping out of his mouth on their own accord.

"I love you..." He held the sides of her forearm in a firm gentle manner as if she would runaway any moment. He didn't want things to be any more difficult between them. He wanted to solve it and straighten things up here and now.

"I love you Yozo-" He was about to repeat his words another time to help her with letting the moment seep into her more. When suddenly she pecked his lips too. Covering her mouth right afterwards in realization with her eyes wide open. A pink tint crept up on her cheeks when she heard a chuckle from him and her hands moved to cover her whole face.

"Hey...you alright?" His smile could be noticed from his words. He reached out to her hands and held them. Peeling them off of her face slowly to see the girls face all flustered and glowing red.

She didn't know what she did at all. Her heart was beating fast when he kissed her and her reaction just happened before she could comprehend. Yozora never had thought she would do something like that, especially after rejecting him twice now.

"Hey...it's okay,you didn't have to be shy about it" He smiled at her to assure that she didn't do anything wrong at all. He enclosed the space separating them to get both their eyes interlocked.

But even before their eyes met,a loud snarling screech came from the back. Both of their heads quickly snapped towards the direction to see a purple sphere climbing up the counter with two more of them followed. A huff of annoyance left from Soocheol as he unwillingly let her hands go and grabbed his riffle that was resting on his shoulder. Yozora searched around for her to see it resting beside the coffee machine which was just two-tree steps away from the same counter those dreadful creatures were on.

"Well screw me..." Yozora sighed before pulling out her spare gun she carries for emergencies. It won't kill any of the spheres but just to slow them down till she gets ahold of her riffle.
"Will gladly do so but after we get through this. Will that be okay?" Soocheols remark made Yozora eye him from the side for a brief moment. The boy grinned at her before sending a wink.

"Let's get this done already,I'm craving for a cup of black coffee" She changed the topic as she held the gun infront of her with both her hands. Aiming at them and shot one of them,making the other two come at them.

⥊ ◯ ⥋

"That was unexpected..." She breathed out falling ontop of Soocheols spread out arm. Both of them were panting from the load of spheres they had to shoot.

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