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"Hey...Hey...Idiot wake up!" Yozora shook the boys body slightly for him to wake up. Last night Sucheol didn't switch guards with her and let her sleep the whole night while he stayed up wide awake and now he had dozed off.

"mmh...What time is it?" The boy groaned at the aching stiffness he felt from sleeping in an uncomfortable position leaning against the wall.

" Its eight twenty three..." She stated glancing at the table clock and looking back towards the boy to see him closing his eyes again.

"Yah I told you wake me up when you feel sleepy. When did you even fall asleep at?" She felt bad for keeping the poor boy up all night,having to stay alert for spheres or any movement.

"Around six or...forty one" He was blabbering nonsense as he tried to fall asleep again. Yozora was stunned for how he had survived the whole night without a blink of any sleep.

'We can't move like this,It would only put him in danger' She thought and decided to leave as soon as he wakes up from his nap.

She took the rifle away from the boys hands before keeping it aside,traces of his sweat glistened on the gun for how long he must have held it close to him. She made his head lay on the pillow and starigned his figure,throwing a duvet over him and tucked him in. He quickly tossed to the side subcounsiously and snuggled towards the soft material of his pillow. A light smile on his lips making the girl awe at the sight of how cute he looks.

His hair all ruffled up with his facial features rest in relax bringing out his charming face in view. The duvet surrounding him in warmth like a sushi roll,it would be lying if she said it didn't make her heart erupt with a soft feeling. Her hand reached to his face,brushing away a strand or two off his face and settling it behind his ear. Her smile spread further up her cheeks at the sight,not getting enough of the image infront of her eyes. If only she had a phone with her she would have clicked about ten pictures in all sorts of angles to look at later on or even pick on the boy with it. She slowly caressed his soft face as a whisper left her mouth.


⥊ ◯ ⥋

"Huh..." A sigh of bordem left my lips as I laid down on my bed,staring up at the celling letting my thoughts drift away to occupy my mind. Atleast till Sucheol wakes up and then we'll leave to another location. It has been hours since we parted way from the others but I already miss being around them.

The indistinct chatter from every corner of the main area we stayed, random conversations we had,jokes we cracked up every now and then and the way we all looked after for each others back. I missed all of that already,I hope to see them again safely.

I turned to my side feeling uncomfortable from staying still to see Sucheol sleeping soundlessly.

Probably in a good deep sleep after weeks of not getting proper rest. I stared at his face as all those moments we spent together flashed through my mind. All the times we stayed up at night talking about things I don't even remember of what it was. A soft grin came up to my face for how I had enjoyed his accompany till now.

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