Kaima Kure

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Name: Kaima Kure

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Species: Mafien/Rikan/Demon Goddess

Title: The Insanity Demon Empress, The Beyond Redemption Kure

Gender: ???

After the disappearance of Slayer and Venom, there was a Kure that was a dangerous crazy monster since her birth. Her name was Kaima Kure, the Insanity Demon Empress.

She created the one of the first two forbidden Kure techniques, Insanity Removal is one of the most dangerous techniques of the Kure Clan. It was created afterthe birth of Vengeful Shadow Removal by a Kure named Kaima who was the worst and evil Kure in existence and she wanted the Vengeful Shadow to herself but the creator who was Kurayami's past self Kage refused to give it to her. And so in anger and revenge, she combined the powers of Death, Removal and her insanity creating Vengeful Death Removal or Insanity Removal, she called it. When Kage and the others found out, they were furious and they sealed her away in a temple in deserted island for the rest of time as punishment for her crimes and they made Insanity Removal one of the first two forbidden techniques of the Kure family.

She used the young Kures as her Guinea pigs and taught them the insanity removal and found out that it has a toll. It would make the user see illusions of their victims, hear their voices and getting endless nightmares to the point of death.

Kage realised how dangerous Vengeful Shadow Removal could be with every Kure or Wu wanting it and creating other dangerous versions of it so he made it forbidden along with Insanity Removal and made sure no one could have Vengeful Shadow Removal until his reincarnations including Kurayami learnt it.

To this day, no one knows if Kaima is alive or dead but they rather not think about it since everything is peaceful.

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