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Name: Kayda

Titles: The Chaos Wyvern, The Queen of Dragons, The Survivor of the 15 Wyrm

Titles: The Chaos Wyvern, The Queen of Dragons, The Survivor of the 15 Wyrm

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Hair colour: White with Red fade

Eye colour: Red

Age: 12,000,000,000,000

Height: 7 feet 6 inches

Gender: GIRL!

Weigh: ???

Personality: Brutal, Sadistic, Unmerciful, torturous(to her enemies and everything she hates) Stubborn, Wise, Serious, flirty, charming, carefree, joyful, positive, cocky, helpful, confident, heroic

Likes: Her Husband, Her parents, All Dragon kind(except for evil ones), her friends,, Herrschers, Gold, St.Freya, Valkyries, Azur lane, ship girls, flirting, destroying Dragons' prides, playing with children and babies,

Hates: Evil Dragons, seeing Kenji crying and get hurt, Perverts looking at her husband(minus his harem members), Demons, child Abusers, Union, Hero Faction, Khaos Brigade, Albion, Vali, murderers, white fang, League of Villains, rapists, Grimm(except ones that love their children), pink, perverts, arrogant people, racists,

Powers and Abilites:

Dragon force

Dragon Slayer

Beyond God Strength: Can lift more than
Septillion mega tons.

Beyond God Speed: Can run trillions of times faster then the speed of light.

Beyond God Insurance: Can survive an
explosion equal to 900 suns.

Reaction Time: Can react trillions of times
faster then the speed of light.

Heat vision

Fire breath

Ice breath

Heat Vision:

Electric breath


Hyper healing

Hyper regeneration

Dimension travel

Immune to mind control, electricity, venoms, fire, ice, any type of magic and more.

Perception blocking: This ability let's her go
undetected by humans, cameras and other

Transformation: Capable of transforming into her human form and dragon form. She can also
transform parts of her body into sharp claws, horns and a tail.

Neon Blast: Capable of shooting a crimsonish
energy blast between her hands.

Energy absorption: Can absorb energy from nature ecosystem itself to make him stronger or heal him. she can also absorb energy from water, air, fire, electricity and much more.

Energy shields: Can creates energy shields around him. She can even make a planet size energy shield.

Atomic breath: A blue, green and crimson fire like beam of pure radiation that shoots from her mouth.

Burning Pulse: By expelling an extreme amount of heat from her body. Burning everything in contact.

Electric pulse: By expelling an extreme amount of heat from her body. Shocking everything in
electricity in contact.

Thunder Shock: Creating a shockwave of red
electricity by clapping his hands together, that can push back explosions.

Blast Burn: Punching the ground with a
tremendous force, making the ground explode
causing a blazing inferno to her surroundings.

Ice Burn: Punching the ground with a tremendous force, making the ground explode causing her surrounding to be frozen in solid iced.

Neon Strike: By punching her enemies with a final crimsonish hyper punch. This move can destroy planets with a single strike.

Gravity Manipulation: Able to manipulate gravity and make it heavier or lighter against her enemies and can remove gravity on them making them float.

Black Hole Manipulation: Is capable of creating black holes in battle but she only uses it to swallow her enemies' attacks or sends evil dragons into the nothingness.

Dimension Creation/Manipulation: Is capable of creating her own pocket dimension where she can go all out against her opponent.

(She has more Cosmic Powers)

Husband: Kenji Crimson Chaos Sieghart

Husband: Kenji Crimson Chaos Sieghart

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Age: 22

Species: Mafien/Human/Dragon/Primordial Dragon/Nephilim/Herrscher/Reincarnated Soul Hybrid

Height: 7 feet 4 inches

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