Chainsaw Kenji

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Name: Chainsaw Kenji/Denji

Name: Chainsaw Kenji/Denji

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Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Red

Age: 22

Height: 7 feet 4 inches

Gender: BOI!

Weigh: 459lbs(his body is pure muscle)

Species: Mafien/Human/Demon Hybrid

Personality: Brutal(to his enemies and everything he hates) Serious, Annoying(on purpose), Jerk(for fun), charming, carefree, joyful, lone wolf(only he doesn't want his family to be around in his personal business and past), positive, cocky, helpful, confident, heroic

Likes: His family, his lovers, his friends, Mafien Clan, Mafien Gods, Melancholy, Ddraig, Armageddon, Herrschers, Gold, annoying the hell out of people, St.Freya, Valkyries, Azur lane, ship girls, Garayann, flirting with his girls, Demons(only ones that he loves and ones that are his friends), Angles(only ones he trusts), Taimanin, his alternate versions(sees most of them as his brothers, rivals and 1 as a father figure), fighting

Hates: His Darkside, His family getting hurt, seeing his girls crying and get hurt, Perverts looking at his girls, Demons, child Abusers, Union, Hero Faction, Khaos Brigade, Albion, Vali, murderers, white fang, League of Villains, rapists, Grimm(except ones that love their children), pink, perverts, arrogant people, racists,

Powers and Abilities:

Strength: Can lift any Omniversal weights.

Reaction Time: Can dodge things moving at
lightspeed(That's 970,989,362 mph).

Omniversal Speed

Healing: Can heal and regenerate body parts
and seconds. But if his low on power, the
healing will take longer. If he has no powers
left, it will take days for him to fully heal.

Hight Stamina: Can fight for days and days.

Intelligence: Hight intelligence.

Pain resistant: He can withstand a tremendous amount of mental and physical pain and torture. As will he only feels 2% of pain.

Experience increase: For each battle he wins, loses, draws and more, he become more powerful each an everytime. Even in near death moments, he'll become stronger naturally. Even training for a couple of hours can make him stronger.

Hybrid Transformation: By pulling on the cord emerging from his chest, Denji can transform into a bloodthirsty Chainsaw Devil.[10] Denji needs blood in order use his abilities, so if he does not have enough of it in his body, he can not fully transform and will instead enter a pseudo-hybrid form. While Denji still has access to some of his powers in this form, they are considerably weaker and his chainsaws are shorter. If Denji runs out of blood, while already being fully-transformed, his chainsaws will automatically retract themselves.[9]
Augmented Strength: After entering his hybrid form, Denji's physical strength is increased exponentially. He can break walls and kill most devil's with just one punch. On one occasion, he was able to catch a thrown car out of the air without staggering and then throw it back with an equal amount of force[11] and on another occasion he was capable of lifting a car and then throwing it with enough force to make it explode.[12]
Augmented Durability: While in his hybrid form, Denji's physical durability is increased to inhuman levels. He can fall from great attitudes and punch Devils through walls, without receiving any injuries. He also has survived a point-blank blast from the Bat Devil that destroyed a building behind him,[13] multiple explosions from the Bomb Hybrid, being on fire for extended periods of time and being near the Typhoon Devil's tornado, which has been shown to be strong enough to lift cars. His head and chainsaws are far more durable then the rest of his body, due to being made of metal, being capable of deflecting bullets.[14]
Augmented Stamina: Denji was capable of fighting the Eternity Devil for approximately three days. As long as Denji continues to drink blood to recover from his injuries, he is essentially a perpetual motion machine.[9]
Chainsaw Manifestation: As part of his transformation Denji grows fully-functional chainsaws from his arms, legs, feet and head. These chainsaws are extremely effective at cutting devil's flesh, allowing Denji to sever limbs[15] and bifurcate his enemies. They are also very effective at cutting other materials, such as stone and concrete,[16] however they have shown to be incapable of cutting through metal.[17] The chainsaws in his legs and feet are not usually active, however Denji can employ them just by willing it. Just like the rest of his body, these chainsaws are regenerated every time Denji pulls his cord and fully transforms.
Chainsaw Retraction: If he needs the full use of his arms and legs to do certain tasks while in his hybrid form, Denji's chainsaws can be retracted into his body, allowing him to perform mundane actions such as grabbing objects.[18] While Denji can willingly retract his chainsaws, they can also be retracted automatically based on his instincts alone.
Chainsaw Wallcrawling: Denji is able to manifest short chainsaws under his feet, which he can use to stick onto walls and even walk on them. He used this ability once, in order to run away from a group of dolls that were created by Santa.[19]
Chain Entanglement: Denji is able to disconnect his chains from his chainsaws to use them in combat. He can wrap his chains around his opponent's body and then pull them closer to him. Denji can also wrap his chains around objects to cut them, throw them or do both.[16] If Denji's arms get torn off but are still connected to his body, he can still use his chain like body tissue to wrap his enemies around. The chains can also be used as grapple hooks, allowing Denji to wrap them around a target and then pull his body closer to said target.[20]
Devil Transformation: After surrendering his contract with Pochita, Denji transformed into a Full Devil. In this form, Pochita displays incredible speed and strength, easily defeating multiple Hybrid-Devils in a matter of seconds. Though he has been shown to have taken damage, and even been slowed by being sent to Hell and blasted into Space, these acts merely delayed him for a few minutes before he returned unscathed. His immense power is further highlighted in Hell, where it is implied he defeated every Demon residing there. Makima stated that he has killed her 26 times in this form. The form seems to lack Denji's personality and awareness, though it has been shown to retain some memories and frequently acts in accordance with them. After defeated by Makima to save Kobeni and later rescued by Power, Denji transformed back to normal and regained his consciousness.

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