I Wanna Dance With Some-Libby

Start from the beginning

"Look, we'll talk about this later. I just need to see what the Ghost Council wants now!"

With that, Scratch was sucked through the portal, leaving Molly alone in her room. Once Scratch was dragged into the ghost world in front of the Ghost Council once again, he was surprised to see that Jinx was here as well.

"Jinx? What are you doing here?" Scratch asked, surprised.

"Just thought I'd stick around to see how well you do at your job." Jinx explained.

"Scratch, we have a very special assignment for you!" Sir Alister announced.

"We need your scares to ruin a certain event going on in Brighton." said Grimbella.

Scratched liked the sound of that. "Alright! Now you're talking! What event do you want me to crash?"

"We are sure you might have heard of this school dance going on at Brighton Middle School, the Brighton Bop." Bartholomew guessed.

That was when Scratch's eyes widened in shock. Of course, of all the events he could ruin, it just had to be the one that Molly is going to attend!

"There is not doubt that this Brighton Bop is going to cause a fair amount of joy in Brighton! All of the students will have a fun time, and they even have some group to sing for them called, Atomic Pink!" Lucretia noticed. "We need you to put a stop to all of this!"

"Uh, are you sure it is that bad? I don't think school dances cause that much joy!" Scratch said with a nervous chuckle.

This caused Jinx to stare at him in suspicion. "Are you developing a conscience, Scratch? We all know what the Chairman would do to you if you refuse his orders!" Jinx brought her attention to the Chairman, who looked ready to send Scratch to the Flow of Failed Phantoms.

"What? No, I'm not having a conscience! I hate all these mushy romantic dances! Of course I would put a stop to it!" Scratch assured.

"You'd better! We cannot have anymore joy in Brighton!" Sir Alister said as Scratch was sucked through a portal back to the human world.

Once he returned to Molly's room, Scratch was left wondering what he should do. If he makes everyone miserable at the dance, Molly's night would be ruined, but if he lets everything go as normal, he could get sent to the Flow of Failed Phantoms. He didn't have time to think about it when Molly walked up to him.

"Scratch, I've been thinking about what you said, and it is still not a date, but I know that Libby and I are going to have a fun time together!" Molly smiled.

Once he realized that Molly and Libby were going to be happy during the dance, he knew that he had to put a stop to it.

"About that, Moll! Maybe you shouldn't go to the dance with Libby after all! There are others you can go to the dance with instead! How about Jeremy?" Scratch suggested.

Molly then raised a confused eyebrow. "What? No! Jeremy spits when he talks and laughs like a seal!"

"I know! He's perfect!"

"No, Scratch! I'm going with Libby, and that's final!" Molly made up her mind.

"Come on! You can go on a date with Libby on any other night!" Scratch replied.

Molly sighed. "For the last time, Scratch! It's not a date! It's not like Libby is bringing me flowers!"

At that moment, Molly heard the doorbell ring. She knew that it was Libby, so she rushed down the stairs. As Molly opened the door to greet Libby, she was surprised to see that Libby actually did bring her flowers.

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