Wedding Bells

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A/N: Smut warning.
⚠️Sexual Content ahead!⚠️

Suprisingly, King Viserys wanted this to be a royal wedding. But Rhaenyra refused seeing as to what happend when she had a royal wedding. They were going to perform a Valyrian wedding and the words shall be spoken in High Valyrian.

Instead they got married in the big hall where the Iron Throne is placed, it was decorated in the colours of House Stark, House Targaryen and House Velaryon.

Rhaenyra had supprisingly made Ivette a wedding dress, it was in the colours of House Targaryen, seeing as that will be Jacearys' surname when he ascends the Iron Throne.

Jacearys was wearing his red and black coat aswell, to match with her dress, by Daemon's orders

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Jacearys was wearing his red and black coat aswell, to match with her dress, by Daemon's orders.

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She had not planned on getting married this early, but she did not mind it. She loved him and hoped that he loved her.


She was being escorted to the big doors infront of the hall by Princess Rhaenyra. She took a deep breath, here it goes. She was getting married.

The doors were opened and she stepped inside.

She looked magnificent. Jacearys couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She looked as if she was born for this, for him. The dress was beautiful. She looked like a Targaryen queen, the most beautiful one in fact.

As she walked into the hall, his heart started beating faster. He was nervous, but also excited. He could see the look on her face, as she slowly walked towards the alter.

She looked excited as well.

He felt as if they were meant to do this, as if this was their destiny.

"Hen lantoti ānogar, va sýndroti vāedroma. Mēro perzot gīhoti, elēdroma iārza sīr. Izulī ampā perzī, prūmī lanti sēteskī. Hen jený māzīlarion. Qēlossa ozūndesi, sýndroro ōñō jēdo, rý kīvia mazverstraksi."

Rhaenyra gave Ivette the piece of dragon glass as Daemon gave Jacearys the dragon glass. They cut each others lips and with their blood she draw the sign of fire on his cheek and he the sign of blood on hers.

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