Targaryen Dinner

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Ivette was woken up by a knock on the door of her chambers. She was not sure how long she slept but the servant who woke her up told her that it was time for dinner.

She quickly got up and got dressed in one of the best dresses she could find seeing as her clothes were still on their way from Winterfell.

Now she had to meet the rest of Jacearys' family. She went out of her chambers and walked with the servant towards the dining hall.


Once she got to the dining hall and openend the door she saw EVERYONE. Instantly she got nervous. Her eyes scanned the room and she only relaxed when she saw Jacearys.


Jacearys was in the dining hall, talking to Daemon and Lucerys. He was pulled from the conversation when the door opened, and she entered. Jacearys breath was taken away at the sight of her.
"My lady, Ivette." Jacearys rose, immediately moving to her, a rose in hand. He placed the thorny flower in her hand, "I'm sure you already know, but you look more beautiful than the last time we met."

She took the rose from him smiling. "You flatter me Jacearys, and I must also add that you look rather dashing tonight." He led her to her chair, next to his.

"Oh, so now you are the one who is teasing, my lady?" He asked, leaning back onto the table, resting on his elbow as he laughed.

It was as if the world had a different shade to it, as if the sun shone a little brighter, and all of his worries went away. Lady Ivette, why do you have to be so perfect?

He turned to look at her, taking in every detail of that face of beauty.

"Jacearys, I do not know if you noticed, but you are staring at me." she whispered and giggled at his blushing face. "Oh do close your mouth. A dragon can lay her eggs in there." they both laughed.

He chuckled, "My apologies, my lady. You're just so beautiful, it's hard to not stare." Jacearys would say, feeling his cheeks burn red once again, yet his smile wouldn't leave his face.

"Careful Jacearys. This flattery might earn you a kiss." she teased.

"I'm more than fine with that," Jacearys said, grinning slightly, and then he took a sip of wine from his goblet.
"You've captured my heart already. A kiss doesn't sound like a bad idea at all."
She started blushing at his words and was about to say something when they were interrupted.

The sound of his mother's voice made them both sit back in their seats, their conversation forgotten. A glance was shared between them, as Jacearys and Ivette's heads turned towards Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra who had entered the room.


Rhaenyra told Daemon a little bit about Lady Ivette before they reached the room but she had not told him everything. They walked into the dining hall and she was going to introduce Daemon to Ivette.

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