Danger around every corner.

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"and that is why Valyrians don't practice dark magic anymore." Jacearys read.

"Because some people turned other peoples sons into daughters?" she asked giggling.

"Yes." Jacearys said looking down at Ivette and smiling. "I must say that the hour is late my Lady. I will walk you to your chambers." he said standing up and putting the book back in it's place. In between two books, 'How To Turn Your Toad Back Into A Child.' and 'How To Not Anger A Targaryen.'

"But why! I'm so comfortable!" she whined.

Jacearys chuckled.
"Then I shall carry you darling." he said and went to pick her up bridal style.

"You are so sweet." she said smiling and nuzzling her face into his neck, where it seemed to fit perfectly.

Jacearys would smile as she nuzzled her face into his neck, a feeling warming his chest.

How could anyone be this perfect.

He thought to himself, smiling.

“There we go.” He said with a soft smile, as her head rested against his chest, and she could feel his breath.

"Comfortable?” He asked her, a grin on his face, as he began walking out of the library, making his way down the hall to her chambers.

"Very." She said. "I might just sleep fall asleep in your arms."

She felt him open the doors to her chambers. He walked in and laid her down on the bed.

Jacearys gently rested her on the bed before leaning down over her. With a soft smile on his face, his eyes filled with a loving shine, as he looked into her eyes. “Goodnight, my love.” He spoke, before leaning in to kiss her, his heart thumping in his chest, as a wave of emotion washed over him.

I love her… I love her so much.

After they parted, he gently brushed the hair from her face. “Sleep well, my lady.” He whispered.

"You aswell my prince." she whispered back as she fell asleep.

Jacearys would give his betrothed one last kiss on the forehead, before making his way to his own chambers, still feeling a warmth within his chest.

My love, it seems like we’ve found something perfect. A moment of pure happiness in an otherwise sad existence.

He thought to himself, as he returned to his chambers. He climbed into bed, and smiled, laying his head on his pillow.

She makes me feel like everything will be alright.

He thought once again, as he closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.


The hour was late. The moon was hanging above Dragonstone as someone sneaked through the halls of the empty home. Everyone was asleep, no one would hear her screams and pleas for help.

Ser Criston Cole knew what he was going to do was wrong. But he could not let down his Queen.

Baela Targaryen had sent Queen Alicent a letter by Raven earlier today. Telling her that Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon were planning to use this betrothal to secure her seat on the Iron Throne. She immediatly called on him and she instructed him, "You must destroy her before she is wed. The sooner, the better. Tonight will do if you can." she said. "Yes your Grace." he replied.

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