Chapter 4

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True to his words, Dazai stayed with Chuuya the whole time. Sharing many hugs, cuddles and kisses with the ginger.

He was totally isolated with the ginger, ignoring all calls, messages and others from the ADA members. Chuuya had already explained the condition to Mori who gave him the rest of the few weeks off.

"Your service for the port mafia will never be forgotten. Your loyalty has done much for the organisation. I wish you well, Chuuya-kun."

"Chuuya, do you remember the time when we were fighting over who will become a prot mafia executive first?"

Seeing the ginger nod silently, he saw Chuuya's eyes glanced from him to behind him and back again, his iris pale blue than ever. Dazai missed those sapphire eyes, full of confidence and pride.

"I became executive first but because you were just 51 days younger than me, you got the title of 'Port Mafia's youngest and Scariest Executive'. I was really jealous." The ginger put a weak smile.

The brunette laughed softly, pushing a few ginger locks away from the older's face.

"Indeed. I told Mori-san to promote you to executive."

The ginger's eyes widened slightly.

"You did?"

"Of course. Mori-san does whatever I tell him to. You just need a bit of intimidation and a dagger." The brunette smirked before chuckling.

The ginger's eyes laughed for the brunette and Dazai smiled gently back.

He only saw the ginger blink lazily a few times before falling into a slumber once again.

Chuuya had been sleeping more than usual. He was like a nocturnal animal. Sleeping during the day but awake at night. Dazai adjusted his body clock to follow Chuuya's so that he'll be awake everytime the other was.

Dazai's smile faltered. Days were passing fast, minutes ticked by quickly. Chuuya was coming closer to death every day. Dazai couldn't accept the ginger's fate. The man who had not hesitated to support him and stay by his side despite him leaving the other.

Hugging the ginger closer, Dazai's eyes narrowed. He realised he could do nothing to help the older. Nothing at all. The brunette exhaled softly to calm himself. He mustn't panic of overreact. Despite promising the ginger he will live a happy life, he was hesitating. He honestly couldn't trust himself in not jumping off a building once Chuuya draws his last breath.


With that, the days passed by, Dazai taking care of Chuuya always. He hadn't sleep or ate for almost a week but he could endure it. It wasn't the first time Dazai had to starve and be sleep deprived  because of missions or purely due to his body.

The ginger, who coughed in n excruciating way, glanced at the brunette looking concerningly at him.

He smiled to reassure the younger but it didn't last long when another cough rose to his throat, coming out with droplets of blood. The brunette's brows furrowed, it was getting worse. It has only been a weak...

Wiping the blood off Chuuya's chin and hand, he sighed softly to himself. "You haven't slept at all, have you?" The ginger mumbled, causing the brunette to drop the handkerchief on the bed.

"Of course I can't. You're dying and I can't do anything to help you." Dazai felt his voice strain as he finished the sentence. The ginger's eyes softened as he wrapped his feeble arms around the brunette's neck, he hugged the other as he hummed. "My heart always has reached out to you.  These are trying times but I know you'll be always here for me if I ever need you, no matter the hour."

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