Chapter 2

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"Sleepy? Last I checked, you didn't have any outstanding missions."

"That doesn't mean i don't need sleep." The ginger retorted, taking his pillow and weakly throwing it at the brunette.

Dazai, sensing something wrong, went to the other side of the bed, lowering his height to see the ginger. His eyes partially shut and dark eye bags under the other's eyes.

"You haven't been sleeping have you?"

It wasn't the first time, the brunette used to always sleep with the ginger when Chuuya never slept for a day.

The ginger gave a glare which wasn't that convincing because of how tired he really was. The brunette placed his hand on the ginger's forehead.

"No fever...Are yo sure you alright?" Dazai sat on the ground, concern plastered on his face.

"I'm fine, stop worrying. I advice you worry about yourself, suicidal maniac."

Dazai chuckled but in his mind, many possibilities were running through his head. If Mori was working Chuuya too hard again, he won't hesitate to stroll all the way to his office and give a threaten.

The ginger, as if he could read Dazai's mind, hit the brunette's head weakly as he said, "Boss doesn't have anything to do with my state."

"Then what happened. Did a number of your subordinates die again?"

It had happened before and Chuuya being the person he is, it had an effect on him when many of his subordinates died because of a enemy's attack. He blamed himself for being careless and not taking care of them properly. He ended up with two broken limbs and a bullet wound near his heart which thankfully didn't hit any vita organs and caused internal bleeding. He couldn't even sleep for a few days. 

At that time, the brunette knew something was wrong since he was still in the mafia then. Despite being lectured to stay in the infirmary, Chuuya was the stubborn type and didn't listen. 

"Moving helps the body heal faster." is what he always says to Kouyou when she nags him to go back to his room. 

However, after being treated, the ginger didn't even step foot out of the infirmary. Dazai was on a week mission in Tokyo and didn't go with the ginger for the mission. When the brunette came back, it was weird enough no hearing the ginger greeting him but even stranger when Mori told him he was isolating himself in the infirmary until his broken limbs heal, since he can't do anything.


"Chuuya?" The brunette called out for his partner as he entered the personal infirmary. He only heard a hoarse hum as Dazai sighed and went over to the side of the bed. 

"Something happened when I was not around?" The brunette asked, he lowered his voice as he pushed a few ginger locks behind Chuuya's ear who was currently sitting at the edge of the bed.

The ginger shook his head but Dazai noticed the clenching of the ginger's fist when he denied. Knowing the ginger hadn't sleep for a few days was obvious, especially with the dark eyes circles creeping under Chuuya's eyes and the ginger's rather raspy voice.

The brunette raised a brow but he guessed what happened. He had purposely sneaked into Mori's office and took the report folder from the mission. 'Loss of man' was the first bullet point and then the specific description numbers and names. 

The ginger was ignorant if he thought Dazai didn't knew. But he wasn't he knew the brunette knew he was lying but keeping quiet about it. After a few more minutes of deafening silence, Dazai waiting patiently the whole time, the ginger nodded his head solemnly, like he was in defeat. 

A comforting smile made it up the brunette's face. 

"You know it wasn't your fault right?" He cooed softly as the ginger looked down at his hands resting on his lap. 

"But if I knew the attacker was targeting my subordinates..."

The brunette sighed softly, not in anger but in a nostalgic way. "You wouldn't have known. At least you know they died trying." Dazai found himself a very hypocritic man. He says that Chuuya wouldn't have known but in true fact, if he was the one carrying out the mission, there would be no fatalities. However, knowing not everyone has a prodigy brain like his, he learnt to tone his criticism, especially with Chuuya. 

Seeing the ginger nod silently, Dazai put up a big smile as he told the older of the happenings of his one week mission. That whole week, the brunette slept with the ginger, finding not only happiness but comfort from it.


The brunette smiled from that memory and the ginger raised a brow, "What are you thinking in that mind of yours? How to harass another woman on the street?" The ginger joked as he nuzzled into his pillow which the brunette had place back after he caught it.

"Wrong. How to harass Chuuya."

The ginger grimaced at the thought and rolled his eyes at the younger who just laughed. The brunette placed a few sleeping pills on the ginger's night stand before getting up.

"When did you get that?" The ginger slowly and hesitantly reached out for the pills, finding it to far.

The brunette smirked as he pushed it closer to the ginger who immediately grabbed it. "I stole it from your kitchen cabinets thinking i could use it but it seems you need it more."

Chuuya sighed in exasparation, "Don't steal my stuff."

"I'll think about it. Chuuya has so much luxury stuff."

The ginger raised a brow before rolling his eyes once again, "Ask me next time and I'll think about it whether to give it to you."

"I'll take the advice then." The brunette snickered before biding the older goodbye, dimming the light along the way.

He left the door ajar before leaving the ginger alone by himself.

Chuuya who had a small smile om his face before he grapsed his chest in pain as he coughed loudly before he downed the glass of water Dazai provided.

He sighed before closing his eyes once more.

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