Info about this

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Cassidy and Gabriel are siblings.

Cassidy possesses Golden Freddy. C.C possesses Shadow Freddy. They're still close.

They're all still salty towards William for kicking their buckets but are civil.....normally.

William and Mike don't have a good relationship but the rest of the family does.

There's a bit of Jeremy x Gabriel hinting in these. I put a note in the beginnings of ones that directly address it.

Yes, there's swearing. Yes, there's sexual references. Yes, there's dirty jokes. Yes, they're gremlins. There's not much of the dirty stuff but there's a lot of gremlin behavior.

This is years later, they are somewhat adultish now. The most you can be when dieing so young. There's alot of close friendships that's developed over the years. Especially between the victims.


Cassidy is referred to with she/they pronouns bc who the fuck knows

Ft Foxy has he/they

Lolbit has they/them unless I fuck up

I'll add more if they come up

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