Chapter 1

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The musty bar air was beginning to suffocate Kazuha. As time dragged on, he leaned against the bar top, crossing his arms across his chest. He peered around the room, making mental notes of what each customer was doing.

A businessman at the left end of the bar, a middle-aged woman sitting two seats over from him. Something is bound to happen between them tonight, right? He daydreamed a possible outcome between the two strangers, to pass the time that drug on. He laughed quietly to himself, covering his chuckle with his hand.

The woman asked him for a refill on her beer, and he obliged her quickly, setting her full glass in front of her with a wink.

Xingqiu lowered his book from his face, arching his eyebrow at Kazuha. "Can I have another coffee?" he asked softly, giving the bartender a tired smile.

Kazuha nodded and grabbed the mug from Xingqiu to refill.

"Here you go. Planning on getting any sleep tonight?" he asked curiously, tilting his head.

Xingqiu had picked up his book and started reading well before Kazuha had returned. He lowered the book, only his eyes showing. "I haven't decided yet, this is a really good one." He moved the book away from his face, exposing an excited mischievous smile.

Kazuha shook his head slowly and smiled. "You really should take better care of yourself, Xingqiu."

"I will, as soon as I finish this book."

"I've heard that verse before." Kazuha leaned forward to grab the book out of Xingqiu's hands. "What is so great about it anyway?"

Xingqiu took the book back in a hurry, turning it down on the bar top. "Trust me, you don't want to know."

"I'll take your word for it." Kazuha smirked, turning his attention to the mysterious regular who was approaching the bar. "Another?" Kazuha asked, trying to get a better look at him. He looked down at the bar, his black baseball hat covering his eyes.

"Yes, please."

Kazuha reached into the fridge, pulling out a sour ale. He then poured him two shots of the same whiskey he asked for before, sliding them closer to where he was standing.

The dark-haired stranger put his money on the counter, retrieved his alcohol and returned to dark corner.

Xingqiu's amber eyes lit up in curiosity, as he sipped on his coffee. "Who is that?" he asked, watching the stranger walk back to his table.

Kazuha shrugged, putting the money in the register and his tip in the jar. He turned back around and leaned in closer to Xingqiu. "I wish I knew, honestly. He comes in here quite often, never speaks more than five words."

"The mysterious ones are always the most intriguing, aren't they?" Xingqiu smirked and picked up his book once more.

Kazuha leaned against the bar again, watching the stranger closely. He had finished his shots and scooted them to the edge of the table. He sat with his back facing the bar, so he couldn't make out his face.

After some time, Xingqiu and the stranger were the only ones left in the bar. Kazuha had done mostly everything he needed to do before locking up and decided to finally collect all the shot glasses from the stranger's table.

"You okay?" He asked, as he stacked the shot glasses on top of each other to carry back to the bar.

"I'm okay, thanks." he said, before shooting Kazuha a quick flash of his eyes from beneath his hat.

Kazuha nodded; his piercing gaze burned into his mind as he slowly walked back to the bar to wash the shot glasses.

Once Kazuha was idle again, Xingqiu finally bookmarked the page he was on and stood up, putting his coat on. "I'm headed out, it's almost closing time. Make it home safe, okay?" He smiled, setting money down on the counter before leaving.

The stranger moved to the bar once Xingqiu was gone, bringing his beer with him. "How about another shot?" he asked.

Kazuha poured him a shot, and one for himself. "Cheers." he said softly, clanging his glass. He could make out a small smile underneath his hat, before getting a better look at his face.

"Have a good night, bartender." The stranger said, before standing up. He placed money on the counter and turned to leave.

Kazuha stood in shock for a moment, then called out to the stranger who stood at the door. "What's your name?"

The stranger clutched the door handle, his back to Kazuha. He stood still for a moment, then slowly pulled open the door. "You can call me Scara.

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