Ch2 - Potions

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"Turn to page 38 in your textbooks" Snape said as he walked around the classroom. "And read up to page 46, after that use the ingredients that is given to make the potion that is listed. Go on then!" Snape's voice boomed in the room, he then made his way to his desk to finish grading his paper.

This isn't so's only the beginning of the year..i bet it'll get harder as the days go by

I skimmed the pages and grabbed the ingredients to make Amortentia, it was first thing of the curriculum of potions.

Apparently it's a Love Potion that causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker.

Why ever would we need a potion like that?honestly though

"Weasley! Potter! Detention!"

I shot my head up seeing Ron and Harry who were next to me, they were fooling around and messed up the potion. Their cauldrons blew up in their faces.

I slightly chuckled and apparently the professor noticed and raised his eyebrow "amused Miss L/n? Wanting to join them for detention?"

I immediately looked back down at my book "No professor" I muttered and collected the ingredients of the potion and I started brewing. Snape rolled his eyes and walked around the classroom, either to make student much more nervous than they already are or to make snaggy remarks.


"Quiet Ron don't be so obvious!"

I turned my head seeing Ron and Harry bickering, Ron then turned to me and nervously smiled "May we have some help please"

"No Ron don't bother her!"

Ron pushed Harry's face away and looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked back at my cauldron seeing my potion was finished. I sighed, looking at Snape seeing if he wasn't looking and walked next to them "alright what do you need help with?" I whispered.

"Thank goodness we've got another Hermione in Potions" Ron commented smiling at me "yeah well I won't be helping you two all the time. I wouldn't want to get caught by—"

"Miss L/n."

I immediately stopped in my tracks, Ron jumped making him drop a vile it shattering on the ground.

"10 points from Gryffindor and 5 points from Slytherin. Looks like your little group will be in detention together" Snape said,deadpanned.

With that he walked away, deducting more points from other houses. "Oh gosh I'm sorry—"

"It's okay, don't sweat it. I'll clean this up"

Class was about to end and everyone was already cleaning up and putting their ingredients away.

"Are you sure you don't—"

"Just go it's alright"

Harry patted my back "sorry for his clumsiness Y/n"

"I can't help it, he appeared out of know where!"

I picked up the last piece of glass and accidentally cut my self just a tiny bit. Everyone else left, including the two golden boys, Snape kept me behind wanting to have a chat. "Miss L/n, care to explain what you were doing with Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter?"

"Helping them..sir"

Gosh that man is intimidating

I looked at him for a second and I guess he was expecting more "I finished my potion and they needed some assistant. Was I wrong to assist them?"

He stayed quiet just looking at me, narrowing his eyes and said " My apologies I didn't know you were teaching today."

Fucking hell?  I knew he was an asshole but this is just aggravating

"I was only—"

"Talking back also? A week of detention after dinner"

I was about to talking back but decided not too, I've had detentions with Snape yeah for stupid things but this is stupider.

I sighed and nodded. "Now get out of my sight." He stood up and walked to the back of the classroom searching something in his potions. I hissed at feeling the stinging sensation in my hand from the glass shards that cut me earlier.

"Fucking hell" I muttered and picked up my stuff and left, it was now Lunch. I searched through my bag for spare bandages and I felt almost being knocked from my feet. I turned seeing Jessica has bumped into me. "Kept behind from Snape I see? Isn't that odd?"

Bleh as if

I pushed her off and walked faster "hey come on! I'm over this morning yeah I was a bitch I know!"

"Yeah you were" I muttered. Jessica grabbed my arm pulling me towards the Great Hall. "Come! We can sit—"

"Actually, I have somewhere to be." I yanked my arm from her grasp and walked in the opposite direction, her calling my name soon faded. Now walking to the Slytherin Common room, a certain familiar hoot made me turn seeing Oliver fly over to me and onto my shoulder.

The small Oliver rubbing itself against me "hey Ollie. Oh right my sent me a letter I should go read that.."I muttered to myself.

"Talking to birds are we?"


"Always knew you were strange, heard you were trying out for the team. You and I know you won't last 10 minutes!"

Oh right, tryouts are Wednesday, in two days

"I bet I'll be better than you" I muttered turning back to walk into the Slytherin common room.

"Hey don't walk away while I'm still talking to you!"

Doofus, honestly he doesn't know when to shut up

I walked up the stairs to the girl's dormitory and jumped on my bed grabbing the letter my mom sent me.

Y/n my darling,
Writing to you once again since you know now it's scary times for you and I. Hogwarts is the safety place you can me right now. Don't worry my dear, soon enough you'll be able to come home but for now, stay strong and continue being that strong and powerful which that you are! Don't send Oliver it's dangerous for him as well. I shall send my owl as soon as possible but for now focus on your studies and being strong

Love, mom

I took out another piece of paper that showed two figures and small and tall one. An arrow pointed at the tall one which indicated me and the smaller one was Nathan, my nephew.

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