Month 4 | Winter

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(There are 4 months in a year in stardrew Valley. Unrealistic, yes, but I'll try to work with it.)

It had been 4 months into the year, and christmas was around the corner. The farmhouse was decorated again in christmas decorations.

I had recently started showing a small bump under my clothes. I was really excited as I progressed through. Harvey also seemed to notice and was  excited. So much that almost every night,  he would lay on my bump and talk about his day to the baby. Sometimes,  he would talk about his model planes in the morning, which I always seemed to wake up to. It was an adorable sight to see and something I hoped to witness.

I've also noticed it was getting a bit hard to do what I have to do. I wanted to try and check and go through my crop in the greenhouse, but it has been kinda hard bending down a bit. Mostly uncomfortable, but I tried to manage it.

However, the mines. The mines were something I couldn't go to. Harvey deeply got worried if I tried to go to the mines, which is understandable, based on how many slimes and monsters there are down there. I desperately needed some iron and ores for future projects.

But, on the bright side, I was ok. Everyone wanted to help my needs. Clint offered to send in some ores in the mail as long as I paid. So for now, I was resting in bed a bit, reading a book on parent hood and infants.

It was nighttime, and harvey was going to arrive home at any minute. I was in the middle of reading a book when I heard the front door open. My dog, Prime, immediately got off the bed and ran to the front door.  I heard him run around harvey in an excited way before barking.

Harvey chuckled and started walking twoards the bedroom. I heard his heavy footsteps come up the stairs before he finally entered the bedroom.

"Hi harvey, how was work?" I asked and looked up at him.

Harvey sighed and walked twoards me before leaning down and kissing me on the forehead.  He then walked to his side of the bed before sitting down.

Harvey smiled a bit before speaking. "Work was kinda long. Had paperwork, and then george was being difficult again as always.."

I smiled back and leaned toward him. I was sitting behind him.
"Aww, im sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Harvey looked at me and kissed me on the forehead before taking off his coat and shoes. He quickly got comfortable and lay down in the bed. I lay down as well, knowing what he wanted to do. He then rested his head on my bump and sighed. I smiled and rubbed my fingers through his hair, just loving the bonding moment.

Harvey started humming a bit before starting to talk to the baby. I wasn't listening that much and was focused on what was on the tv. This was an everyday thing he would do, and I always adored it.

As we laid there and talked to each other about future events, I felt something weird below. It felt like a butterfly flapping its wing from the inside. Harvey immediately sat his head up and looked at me. We both gave a "did you feel that" look. Harvey's eyes lit up, and he quickly lay his head back down. After a moment, he felt it again and immediately smiled.

"Oh my Yoba!! Y/N, that's the baby! It's moving!" Harvey said in an excited way.

I smiled, just seeing harvey so happy. This was the moment I read about in the books that I looked forward to.

Harvey continues to talk to the unborn baby before sighing in relief. "My Yoba..I cant wait to find out the gender..and seeing our bundle of joy in our arms.."

I'm just imagining my firstborn child in my arms. Becoming a mother was so much to look forward to. A girl? A boy? BOTH?? twins? That's rare, but who knows.

As im laying there daydreaming, something finally hits me. Will the baby be large? Will it be tall? Oh, Yoba.. Based on how tall harvey is, its a possibility that my own child will be taller than me as they get older.

"Will the birth be painful?" I think to myself. Anxiety pours into me, and I look down at harvey. Harvey looked up at me in a confused expression. I gave a reassuring smile before he smiled back and continued to rest his head on my bump.

"Hey, are you hungry..?" I asked harvey. He nodded and looked up at me again.

"I'll make some angel that what it's called?" I asked before sitting up.

Harvey sat up as well.
"Kinda..but do you want me to make it? You always like the way I made it."

I think for a moment and shook my head no. "Harvey, you'rer tired, And I want to cook for you at least."

Harvey smiled. And nods a bit.
"Whatever makes you happy, alright. Just go easy for me, ok?"
He said before deeply kissing me. I kissed back before getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen.

We both end the night with a good cooked dinner and go to bed peacefully....only until 3 in the morning, I get out of bed and throw up in the bathroom. Harvey stayed by my side for support as I did so. Once I finished and felt ok, he practically carried me back into the bed and laid me down. He proceeds to walk to the kitchen and prepare me some tea. [Insert the way you love tea]. He came back and handed me a cup, and I happily drank it. I soon fell asleep next to him, satisfied.

Sickness isn't fun, kids :)

[To be continued. Share some ideas if you have any for the next chapter. Im willing to have criticism!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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