Chapter 6 ~Jason~

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Chapter 7


Oh my gods guys, I haven't updated in, like, 21 days (no joke). Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. Please ignore the horrid grammar and spelling errors, or inform me. I'm fine with either one.

(Changed the cover again, I wonder if you guys can see it. My laptop is very glitchy.)

Okay, on with the story.

After Piper and Drew left and went home, I rested after climbing through the window and into my room. Since my door was locked. I should've just stayed in my room and let Drew look for me. I doubt she could though. There were so many rooms in this house, I lost count.

There was knock on my door and Thalia's head popped in. "Hey lil bro, dinner's ready," Thalia said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that younger than you, stop calling me 'lil bro'."

"Whatever, lil bro." Thalia grinned and left making me roll my eyes again.

I went to the dining room and sat myself on one of the seats. Next to dad. Thalia was right in front of me. By the way she was sitting, I can tell she was itching to put her feet on the table and play her music obnoxiously loud.

"Hey, Dad. Haven't seen much of you today." I greeted.

"I was in my office answering calls from my annoying boss. I think he drank a little over the limit of coffee this morning. He wouldn't shut up about this upcoming movie that I need to film and crap like that." Dad grinned.

"That guy who almost fired you because you forgot to flush the toilet after you went?" Thalia asked, grinning.

Dad's smile faltered a little and he gave Thalia a playful glare. "Yes. That's the guy. And for the record, I only forgot to flush because he was urging me to hurry up and I didn't want him to wait too long for me."

"Flushing the toilet doesn't even take half a second!" Thalia accused.

"Food's here everybody, stop talking about toilets," Dad changed the subject oh-so-subtly.

"Way to be subtle, Dad," I joked, elbowing my Dad's side.

"Shut up, Jason." Then Dad looked like he just realized something. "Jason, you forgot to tell me. How's your relationship with Drew going so far?"

Thalia nearly spat out her soda and snorted, then proceeding to drink more soda.

I looked at Dad in horror. "Seriously? You ask me that?"

Dad shrugged. "You were talking about me and now I'm talking about you. Sounds fair."

"Why won't you talk about Thalia. You know her crush on Luke. That boy who lives a block away from us." I grinned when Thalia started choking.

"For your information, I do not have a crush on Luke. Okay?"

"Sure sis." I smirked, glad that I got her.

Thalia shot me a glare and continued drinking her soda.

The maids finished bringing out all the food and I peeked at what was laid out in front of us. Lasagna, pasta, a salad, spaghetti, and mini-sandwiches. There were also two pitchers of different sodas.

"Dig in, kids." Dad started putting things on his plate and Thalia and I followed.

I place some pasta, two mini-sandwiches, and lasagna on my plate. After that, I poured myself some soda.

The whole meal was silent. Us Graces like to enjoy every second of our meal, so we eat quietly. But eating at another person's place...that's a different story. We'll talk a lot. We need to look more social.

When we were done with the meal, we chatted before roaming wherever in the house. I decided to go to the exercise room to work out a little. I've been lazy all summer, the least I can do is lift a few weights and do a few push-ups.

"Jason!" Thalia's voice chirped from the gym room's door. I groaned inwardly. Thalia doesn't leave me alone for even a few seconds. She always has something to say. Times like this, I wish my sister was more like Reyna, a friend of mine. Reyna was a serious and collected girl. She let loose a couple of times but all-in-all, she's a quiet person. The opposite of Thalia who couldn't keep her mouth shut for her life. Even if she did have cool and quiet ninja reflexes.

"What, Thals? This better be good. I need some me-time," I said, picking up a 15 pound weight. I'm starting small and moving up to the big weights. Patience is key...Which was what Thalia usually says. Even though she's not really patient with me much.

"Who cares? You have a lot 'me-time' when I'm not around anyway." Thalia rolled her eyes. "Anyway, so I was thinking that we should have some sibling time."

"So, let me be want me to go to Luke's house with you so you can hang out with him and not look obsessed? Just because I'm a friend of Luke's?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Thalia thought about it for a second before nodding. "You know me so well, Jasey!" Thalia squealed pulling me into a big hug.

"Thalia, let go please!" I said, my voice muffled by her shoulder. The thing was, besides us being the same age, she's still taller than me. Which bothers me to no end.

"Can we like, go right now?" Thalia asked, jumping on the soles of her feet.

"I need to work out!" I huffed waving my weight in front of her face.

Thalia snorted. "Okay, you need to work out those noodle arms. I don't like being stronger than a guy. It makes me seem manly."

"You're not stronger than me, Thalia."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Thalia waved it off and walked out of the room. Now my exercise mood was ruined and I need to do something else.

I decided to take a walked around our garden. It wasn't really big, but it wasn't like those middle-class gardens. Maybe somewhere in-between.

More than I like to admit, I liked walking around the garden. It always looked so lively and stuff. It also smelled nice.

I was walking towards the red tulips when my eyes were covered.

"Guess who!" A familiar female voice said.

I felt a wide grin spread across my face.


Hey guys! New chapter! Who do u think the girl is? I think it's pretty obvious!

Vote + comment guys!

Love u!

- brookieeee

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