Chapter five: corroded coffin

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As Eddie watched Steve peel out of his driveway, he gave him a small wave. He waited until the car was at the end of the road before heading back in. sighing, he threw himself onto the sofa, picked up the remote, and turned on the TV. scrolling through channels until he found one he liked. Letting himself submerge in the sofa he inhaled a long breath and let it go. He wanted to see Steve again even though he had just left. Putting both hands over his face Eddie wondered how long he could supress his emotions. There were times where he just wanted to hold Steve and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. He yearned to bask in Steve's laughter and joy. Just the two of them, a giggling mess of a young couple. He Knew there was nothing stopping him. They were already aware of how the other felt about them. But that didn't stop Eddie's mind from spiraling and leading to the worst-case scenario. He couldn't help but wonder if Steve wanted this, if he was truly happy with how things were progressing. Eddie finally opened his eyes to meet the comforting white popcorn ceiling. The dust specks in between the bumps, both smooth and ridged incinuated how lived in it has been, Eddie can't help but imagine a future where he and Steve have their own "lived in" home. He took a few moments to appreciate the fantasy before continuing his day.


Disoriented by the sound of keys jkingling and the sound of a door opening, Eddie opened his eyes slowly and groaned as he rolled over to look at Wayne, who was shutting the door.

"hey Wayne" Eddie said as he watched his uncle place his keys down from his seat on the couch

"Hey Ed, did you eat yet?" Wayne asked

"No, want to head to the diner?" Eddie asked, feeling his stomach growl

Wayne thought for a few seconds, "sure but you're driving" he said as he picked up the van keys from the dish he had just placed them on less than two seconds ago and threw them over to Eddie, who caught the jingling mess with one hand.

After changing quickly, Eddie drove his way to the local diner, Johnny Cash blasting on the stereo, and Wayne Singing along with his country twang. There was a rule that whenever Wayne was in the van, Eddie had no control of what music played. If you asked Wayne why that was a rule he would say; he knows he's old but at the same time, "too young for hearing loss". If he were to suffer from it, it would be natural and not because he listened to people scream into a mic. Eddie would just laugh whenever Wayne said this. Because almost every single time his uncle would insist that Eddie crank up the volume to prove his point. Eddie would reluctantly comply, knowing that this was a battle he could not win. Meanwhile, Wayne would sing along to every song, completely oblivious to the noise around him.


The bell jingled as the door opened. The diner was empty except for a few customers. Quiet chatter filled the space and music played over the speakers. Wayne and Eddie were escorted to a window booth and given menus. After a few minutes of thinking, Wayne ordered the "old fashion meal", a plate filled with steak, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Eddie ordered a large cheeseburger and fries. The waitress brought them their food and they began to eat. They chatted easily, catching up on random things They laughed and joked, enjoying the time together.

Putting his fork down Wayne hesitated. "Steve" he spoke. Eddie looked up from his burger, not sure if he heard his uncle correctly.

"Yeah? What about him?" Eddie asked plucking a few fries from his plate and into his mouth

"Is he nice to you?" Wayne asked in a low voice. Eddie knew what his uncle was asking. Wayne supported Eddie in whatever he wanted to do, and this time was no different. So, in a few words, he wanted to make sure that Eddie was in a safe and respectful relationship with Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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