Chapter one: Don't

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Eddie Munson never really cared what people had to say about him. He was known as "the freak" for all of high school. Hell, he was even accused of killing a bunch of his classmates, But that didn't matter anymore. He was free. Eddie was finally able to get the rest he deserved after so many years of the same hallways and cramped classrooms. He thought he would live his life in peace after everything that had happened in the past few months. Until he started hanging out with Steve "the hair" Harrington...

This wasn't out of the ordinary. He and Steve had hung out before, to smoke weed or when Steve had to pick the kids up from a D&D campaign, and to even save Hawkins from a fucking bat-shit "clockmaker" as Steve puts it, but as of late with every time they hung out, Eddie grew more and more attracted to Steve. Eddie was a punk and he couldn't help poking at things he found interesting, but it was like Eddie's heart would grow bigger and bigger whenever he saw Steve.

It was stupid, but he tried his best to avoid Steve so that his poor heart wouldn't explode. Though if it did, it would be pretty metal. You know the whole death-by-love thing... Anyways...

It's funny because it wasn't like this at the start. At first glance, Steve Harrington looked like a complete douche, someone who Eddie would have never hung out with if it wasn't for Dustin....and nearly dying at the hands of Vecna, I mean...Who would have thought that almost dying to a D&D character could bring two completely different people together

Well, you could say Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington were living proof of that. Eddie "the freak" Munson, hanging out with Steve Harrington the "golden boy" of Hawkins high school. It was an unbelievable sight. Steve Harrington, was popular, had good grades, and was the captain of the basketball team. He and Eddie were complete opposites. Steve was the only guy anyone ever talked about, even after he graduated he was the hot topic on everyone's tongue. Mostly girls who were sad that they never got to make a move on Hawkin's golden boy. Eddie never understood why everyone genuinely liked Steve. The guy was an asshole the majority of the time, what was there to like?

But the more Eddie got to know Steve the more he realized that Steve was just a pretty good dude. Of course, Eddie didn't want to admit how he now finds every little part of Steve mesmerizing...the moles that scattered his face and neck like constellations (honest to god. If Steve were to let him Eddie would trace all of them and name each one), the way he lets out a stupid exhale when he smiles, how he runs his hand through his ridiculous hair, and overall, just how much of a badass he is

Eddie felt so comfortable when he was with Steve but He knew that one glance from those brown eyes could make him lose all sensibility, and make him say things he would never say in front of anyone else. Steve just kind of had that control over him and it honestly pissed him off. How was it possible that one person could have that kind of effect on him?

Eddies eyes wander around his room, desperately trying to find a distraction as he continued smoking a blunt he had lit earlier. all these thoughts of Steve are going to drive him crazy so he decides to call it a night. He finishes off his blunt and gets into bed, rolls over to his side, and turns off his light. This does nothing. He closes his eyes for a few minutes. Still nothing. it's already been a few months since Vecna, but Eddie still couldn't shake the vivid nightmares of being bitten alive by the demo bats in the upside-down. Nightmares that jolt him awake in a sweaty and shaking mess. Nightmares that make his scars sting and burn in agony as his chest tightens and his heartbeat booms in his ears along with a piercing static.

He's been smoking weed before bed to help ease the torment. Some nights it works and other nights it would make them worse. On nights like those, Eddie would stay up listening to music or wait on the couch for Wayne to come home. On nights like those the sound of anything other than his thoughts calms him down, and on nights like those Eddie desperately longs for someone to hold him and let him know that it'll be okay.

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