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Somewhere in the distance, there was a thumping sound

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Somewhere in the distance, there was a thumping sound. It was from such a faraway place that seemed to rumble down fast like rocks free falling down a cliff.


Payu took a step back from the mirror, eyes still at his reflection, water dripping down the side of his face.

The thumping was getting louder. Faster. It was deafening him.

He raised a hand to the side of his head, over his ear as he searched for the thumping sound that seemed to fill the whole rest room.


There was no one else. Nothing in that room.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Payu drew a shaky breath. He planted his feet steadily on the floor as he listened to the deafening sound in his ears.


The sound wasn't coming from anywhere or outside. It was from him. Inside his chest. His heart beating wildly as though wanting to break free from his own body.

Payu slowly stepped back from the mirror. He stepped away, one step, two steps, wide strides out of the rest room towards the narrow hallway that seemed to close in on him.

He saw Saifa not faraway, as though waiting for him.

His twin was saying something. The man looked serious. He looked tired. But all Payu could hear was the loud sound of his heart to his ears. Nothing, not a single word Saifa said registered in Payu's head.

Payu kept on walking, steps that covered large distances until he was running out of the stuffy and dark police station.

"Payu!" Saifa called after him. 

But Payu didn't stop. He was unsure of many things. He was unsure of his own identity. Uncertain of everything around him.

But that time, at that moment, that very second, he was sure of one thing. He had to leave. He had to go. 

His instincts were telling him he had to. His whole body, down to the very fibers of his being said he needed to go to him

At the parking lot, where the setting sun and the rays were a bloody orange-- a sign of an incoming storm-- Payu stood. He grabbed the car door hard, opening it as if he was ready to wreck it down. The whole car shook as he forced it open.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now