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Rain swatted a mosquito trying to suck him dry for the 100th time. Rubbing his arms, even in the dim he could see red dots on his skin.


He could have gone back to the room where he woke up earlier. The healer also tried to make him return. But he didn't. He just sat out the entire night, overlooking the hill where his P'Payu had gone.

Payu didn't return that much Rain was sure. From a distance, he could see a shadow walking back and forth. Sometimes that tiny figure in the distance would pause, as if looking up at the sky for answers.


Rain couldn't get close to Payu just yet but he can be together with him just like this. Watching him from afar. Because this was far better than not being able to see Payu at all.


In the horizon, a tiny sliver of gold was spreading out. The sun was going to make its entrance in a few minutes and Rain was excited and scared about the prospect of a new day.

Rain rubbed at his eyes and continued trying to make out what Payu was doing on that hill. His eyes were tired and so was his entire being. His body was protesting for him to sleep but his mind was wide awake. He wouldn't be able to rest. Not until he had Payu back where he really belonged.

"Phi," a soft voice called from behind.

Rain turned over his shoulder and found the girl who'd tended to him yesterday.

"Oh, it's you," he began, making space for the girl on the wooden bench he was sitting on.

"Didn't we tell you to rest?" she said as she sat beside him. "You city folks are really hard headed."

Rain shook his head. He was too unnerved yesterday but now he could clearly notice it. This girl was treating him like a child.

"Thank you for yesterday," Rain said, slapping on his arms again.

"It's okay. I'm a healer-in-training after all. I should be able to do that much."

Rain nodded. He narrowed his eyes at the still figure from afar and sighed.

"How long are you gonna watch him from here? You really need to get some sleep, Phi."

"I will watch him until he comes home with me. You have no idea how much I've waited to see him. I can't just 'sleep' now, can I?"

The girl pulled her knees up her chest and hummed a tune. It sounded peaceful and yet sad. The sky had turned from deep blue to purple, orange and gold spreading behind the mountains.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now