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"Sig! Is it properly set up this time?" Rain asked in an impatient tone

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"Sig! Is it properly set up this time?" Rain asked in an impatient tone.

"Just a moment, everything is captured except your face," a voice from behind the camera said, presumably Sig. "Your face is blurry."

Rain made a little jiggly dance in front of the camera in an attempt to make the camera focus and in the screen, his blurry silhouette was funny.

"Sorry but the camera does not register faces of dumb asses," another different voice commented.

"The hell are you talking about, Por?" Rain said indignantly. In the background, someone's laughter could be heard. "Stop laughing, Sky! I graduated. That means I am smart. At least we're on the same level seeing that we all graduated with the same average."

"Don't lump me with you guys," Sky croaked somewhere in the room.

Rain, Sky, Sig, Por, all of them sounded wasted.

The camera finally focused and Payu watched himself in the video just sitting on the sofa, grinning at the mess that had befallen in that hotel room.

Prapai walked into view. "How did I end up babysitting with you?" The question was directed at Payu.

"Maybe because your boyfriend is over there throwing up?"

"I am questioning why I allowed Sky, or everyone for that matter, to drink alcohol," Prapai said, shaking his head before walking away from the field of the camera.

Payu in the video crossed his legs. "It's fine. It's the night of their graduation. We should let them let loose."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect them to be a bunch of wild animals," Prapai replied although his tone carried a laughter that made the Payu in the video chuckle. "If one of them undresses in front of that camera Payu, I swear they're in your hands."

"Nobody undresses in front of the camera, you hear me?" Payu announced.

Por and Sig shouted their 'yesses'. Sky was groaning in the background.

Rain on the other hand proudly raised a hand. "Yes, daddy!"

Sig and Por cackled in the background, probably kicking the floor and the stand where the camera was as the video slightly shook.

"Rain?" Payu in the video called sternly. "No reckless plays in front of your friends."

It was always weird hearing his own voice from so many years ago. That man's tone always carried confidence, sureness, and strength. A decisiveness that the Payu now couldn't comprehend. That man and him might as well be two different species.

He hated him before. He hated him still. But with that hate came an envy. An envy that ultimately led him to feeling sorry.

"Yes, daddy," Rain repeated.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu