Chapter Five: The Great Escape

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As time passed, Geralt Stone became the king and his wife Gwyneth became the queen. They both had a daughter named Crimson Stone. She was trained thoroughly in warfare, administration, politics, and different subjects. As she grew up, she was determined to make her ancestors and parents proud. One day Geralt came to know from a messenger that the headquarters at Canaria had probably found the location of Mearth and were planning something.

Geralt decided to go on an expedition to find out more but his daughter, Crimson advised him to send her instead. General Arthur was initially hesitant but later voluntarily agreed to accompany the princess. As the news reached Gwyneth, she tried to stop her daughter. But Crimson tried a lot to convince her telling her that she was capable enough to protect herself and was no longer a kid. Finally, with a heavy heart, the Queen and the King permitted Crimson and Arthur to go to Canaria as spies and obtain information. Soon enough, they both left Mearth along with a few people.

They reached the external layer of Canaria. However, their spaceship penetrating through the layer was seen by a few Cydiarian soldiers and they informed their king- Invictus. He knew what had to be done.

As the spaceship landed, Crimson, Arthur, and their companions began to climb down only to see themselves surrounded by Cydiarian soldiers and the lord of Cydiarians- Ethan. They tried to go back into the spaceship, but it was too late. Ethan launched a deadly weapon on the ship, deactivating it. Unfortunately, all of them were arrested and imprisoned waiting for the day of judgment. One day, they were all presented in the royal court of Cydiarians.

It was a huge and magnificent room studded with jewels and stones. There were numerous thrones of different types depending on the person sitting on them. The members of the royal council had to sit on a throne decorated with diamonds and had the design of a leaf. The members of the royal family had their thrones on a platform at a greater height which thus, reminded people of their power. Some pillars added to the stability of the building. But all this seemed to be dust in front of the king's throne which stood at the greatest platform representing his might. It was adorned with pearls, diamonds, stones, and crystals. The color of the throne was that of the fire. On this throne, came and sat, the king of Cydiarians, son of Zephyrus Darkheart and Willow Darkheart- Ethan Darkheart or Invictus. The residents of all the realms trembled upon learning about his power.

Ethan's magnificent presence shook Crimson. She got speechless as she saw him. The man at 50 years of age was strong enough to make a youngster shy. He was fair, tall, and had long hair. His eyeballs were green and his eyes had red lines in them showing his blood combined with Draveth. The muscular build of his body showed his practice and power.

Upon seeing his appearance, his personality, Crimson thought for a while, "What a game of almighty! Had this person been a noble, pious, generous, and learned one, even the gods would have happily given their powers to him. The problem is the phrase 'had he'."

It was this royal court where Princess Crimson for the first time saw members of the royal family. Ethan had a wife named Jane Darkheart. But, she died after the birth of their child. Ethan's son was named Alastair Darkheart. An equally powerful warrior but as depressed as the rain. At the time of his birth, a prophecy had taken place, that Alistair's death shall bring an end to the existence of Cydiarians. Fearing his son's death and the end of Cydiarians, Ethan gave him a boon that he would not be killed unless the power of Draveth in Ethan would be unleashed upon him. Ethan thought that he would never face a situation that would force him to use his power against his child. Yet, Alastair was treated as the cursed one. Ethan had also adopted a daughter- Raven. She was older than Alastair and was brave and obedient to her father. Despite being ill-treated by others, Alastair always shared a great bond with his father which always angered Raven. She thought of her father to be partial towards him. She had a husband named Orion who was a skilled warrior. The princess was overwhelmed upon seeing the royal family. She saw Ethan sitting on his throne with a huge and sharp sword at his side only to realize that it was made out of the Absorbium covering on Draveth.

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