Chapter One: A New World

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A long, long time ago, when gods created the earth, the entire history was just a dream. To expand this dream to reality, gods created an eternal, magnificent, and immortal bird named Glavitar to give rise to life. This bird gave birth to mankind from its womb and took care of them like a loving parent.

But how can a bird give birth through the womb? Why did the gods need it in the first place? Weren't they capable? 

No diety was the supreme one. They were powerful too but had only powers related to some aspects of evolution. Hence, no god was fully capable. Thus they all gathered in the center of the universe and stood in a circular pattern. They extended their arms and exhaled. their breath had a gist of their powers. However, this gist was enough to grow and sustain. Their breaths took the form of a light which accumulated at the centre and became a huge egg. The egg was blue and had hymns and symbols engraved on it. The egg cracked and a huge bird emerged from it. This bird was as big as the space and as shiny as the sun. His glow radiated all the realms. Hence, the gods named this bird' Glavitar'- the one who is the glow of the world.  The gods bestowed Glavitar with their powers and assigned him his duties. The broken egg turned into a vessle which had a mixture of soil and water. Glavitar drank it. The mixture went into his stomach and gradually developed into a fetus. However, this process was not instantaneous.  Glavitar meditated for 7000 eons in space and the gods kept watching him. Second, by second, his energy kept increasing and finally, he woke up from his penance. His stomach expanded and became spherical. Then Glavitar finally gave birth to Earth through his womb(Cloaca). 

Then a mighty beam emerged from Glavitars both the eyes. From one beam, a man was born and from another a woman. The couple habitated on earth. Thus slowly mankind came into existence. The gods praised Glavitar and accepted him as the supreme deity and governor of the universe. They realized that their work was done. Hence, they submerged into Glavitar and thus began a new chapter of the world. 

 The human population expanded on earth and Glavitar also created animals and other species. At first, mankind was loving, passionate, strong, and hard-working. With the help of Glavitar, man created wonders. Rain was created from Glavitars's tears and its breath gave birth to wind. Its body became the land and its feathers, became trees. With this help, mankind built a world that was once just a mere thought. They lived happily and grew to prominence over other beings in the ecosystem.

But as power increases, it gives rise to arrogance and greed. Soon, mankind's heart was poisoned with greed, anger, and ruthlessness and thus, mankind became a shadow of what it was once.

They started claiming the resources gifted to them. Greed and hunger for growth blinded them. They continued to seize more and more from the environment. They fought among themselves like animals, just to gain power and dominance. They forgot the fact that hatred leads to only one thing. Destruction.

Glavitar couldn't see the creation of gods suffering and killing themselves. Thus, he decided to take the hard decision of destroying mankind. Because what is born should die, what has risen has to set and what has blossomed has to wither.

He created an age-ending flood of apocalypse to renew humanity and create balance. This flood started killing the evil. What was a dream, became a nightmare. Millions drowned. Only the ones who still were honest, loving, and had good in them were saved by Glavitar himself. The lush and green earth had now become a large sphere of water and it would take thousands of years for land to form again. The remaining population could no longer stay on Earth.

Glavitar assured them that mankind would take birth on Earth again when the time would be appropriate. Then, it escorted the population safely to another galaxy in the infinity of space and adapted their bodies to stay in space. The human population also carried animals with them.

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