Chapter Nineteen

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She grabbed Papa's hand and slowly entered the store and her face went bright red, she's never been in this store since her mom always says, "Those are the devil stores".

However, she walked to the clothes section and she picked out a few outfits... By a few... It was a whole new goth, alternative wardrobe.

Papa was interested, seeing the girl completely changed before his eyes, but he didn't say a word and bought everything for her, since money wasn't a problem.

When the clothes were bought, Embry walked into the changing room and walked out in a long sleeve crop top, and black pants.

Papa was absolutely blown away, "Cara Mia!" He gasped, she walked up to him and smiled.

"Different?" She asked, smirking.

"V-Very." He was completely taken back by his love.

She giggled and the two walked out of the store, now having 5 big bags worth of new clothes, luckily while Embry was changing, Papa had called up two extra hand Ghouls for the all the new stuff he was buying for his soon-to-be wife.

As soon as they walked out of the Spencers doors they were met with Sodo and Rain.

Rain gave Embry an awkward wave, he knew that everything was solved. Sodo was a tiny bit sour about the situation, but he still cared for the girl.

Embry ran up to Rain and embraced him, Rain hugging back happily. She pulled away and stood in front of Sodo with an apologetic expression. He hesitated but opened his arms as a big smile slowly rose upon his face.

Papa handed the two Ghouls the bags and they all began to walk to Hot Topic where Embry bought jewelry, getting friendship bracelets for her and Rain.

That added another big bag of a few more outfits and jewelry. Now Papa was leading them to an expensive jewelry shop in the mall.

Embry immediately began to get emotional, automatically knowing what they were here for. Papa had the Ghouls take the bags to their car and meet them outside, knowing this would be their last trip, so they headed off.

"Anything, and I mean anything you want Cara Mia. I would buy you the whole store if you wanted it." Papa cooed, placing a hand on the side of his soon-to-be wife's face.

She immediately began to look for the ring she wanted, but she realized she wanted Papa to help her as well. She wanted to make this as meaningful as she could. So she grabbed tightly onto Papa's hand and arm and walked around the cases, up until she found this forest ring with a green stone on the middle and a moon stone on the side. She thought it was perfect, however Papa thought the stone where too small and weren't good enough her his Cara Mia.

"Darling, that doesn't even cost that much, the stone is too small and I just think you deserve so much more." He protested and Embry giggled, facing him.

"I really couldn't care less about the ring, you could give me a flower for our engagement and wedding, and I would put those flowers in a big heavy book to preserve them." She looked up at him with such passion and he nodded.

"That ring it is baby." He cooed, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

The author could only imagine some middle aged man who doesn't have a choice but to work there in order to pay his bills, a grossed out and disappointing look upon his face because he sees these head over heals for each other couples come in every day and they all do the exact same thing Papa and Embry are doing, and the middle aged man behind that counter is single and can't get a single woman and is still a virgin. Goddamn does he probably hate his life right now.

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