Chapter Seventeen

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For the next few nights Embry felt disgusted with herself, she continuesly washed herself and showered, took baths.

Not only has she been trying to wash away all the sin, but her ex lover had been trying to text and call her over and over, begging for forgiveness.

Embry simply never answered, left him on read even.

She couldn't stand to look at herself, she felt ugly all over again. She hated the way she dressed, she hated her body, all the self love was demolished.

Something in her was dying, she was dying.

Her whole world had collapsed, like some spell was put on her.

She hasn't eaten in 7 days, the flowers on her bedside table were brown and stiff, completely dried out, when 7 days ago they were alive, colorful and well.

Everything around her seemed dim, no more color.

She fell into a deep depression that she didn't know if she could ever escape.

Oh, but how she longed for Papa's touch again to make her feel better...

But she knew she could never do that again. Her and Papa were over.

For good.

For 7 days straight she has cried, her tear stained face and her puffy eyes. Of course her mother had no idea why her daughter was so distraught. Laura knew her daughter had been spending time with Papa and the "Angels", but she didn't think it would effect her daughter this much.

Laura had even thought to have a full exorcism on her daughter, spending so much time around Satan Worshipers.

She noticed her daughter was pale, completely ghost faced.

Her daughter had lost 20 pounds in seven days and she looked sickly, like some plague...

Embry was literally dying.

Laura told herself if her daughter hadn't felt even the slightest bit better she was going to take Embry to the hospital, but for now it's bed rest.

The odd thing was Embry wasn't coughing, throwing up or anything flu like... She was just visibly sick...

Embry layed in her bed, under her covers trying to stay warm, but her skin was ridiculously cold, but her room was warm, her house was warm... She shouldn't be cold.

Embry was slowly losing life as she layed there, weak.

It was her time...

Embry heard her window open and Papa had entered her room.

Embry suddenly had enough energy to sit up in rage, as she was about to yell she saw the tear stained face, the puffy eyes and plead on his face.

"Cara Mia! You look so sick!" He panicked and sat on her bed, placing his hand on her forehead, feeling her ice cold hand place itself on his.

She slowly gained energy as tears flowed passed her eyes and down her cheek.

She embraced Papa in a hug, scared for her life that was slowly dying.

He placed her in his lap and he cradled her, rocking her back and forth.

He tried to stay strong for her, but his own tears slipped down his face and onto her.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I should have been here days ago. I can't forgive myself." He sobbed placing a kiss on her forehead.

Embry's grip on Papa tightened as she was gaining strength.

She felt whole again. And she hated it.

But if she was going to die, she wanted it to be with him.

"Papa." Her weak voice barely above a whisper and shaky, "I'm scared."

"I know Cara Mia. I know. I'm here. You're not going anywhere, my love." He cooed, trying to reassure the both of them.

Slowly Embry began to accept the thing that put her in this state.

She loves him, and he's a satanist.

But that's okay.

Embry lifted up her head and placed a cold hand onto his face, a soft loving smile on her face, "Warm me up, Papa."

"I-I'm trying, baby." He cried, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

"No, " She paused, looking Papa deep in his eyes, "Make love to me."

Papa stopped rocking her and just looked down at her with surprise.

A single tear ran down his face and onto Embry's hand, then he nodded.

He layed her down on the bed, laying her head on the pillow for comfort.

He carefully stripped the two of them and he kissed every inch of her, his own lips freezing by the end of it.

He slowly entered her and her hand grabbed ahold of his face and she pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss was... Warm...

Papa slowly thrusted, his lips moving with the love of his life.

He pulled away and moved his head to the crook of her neck, he sobbed more, whispering to himself and his savior, "Please, Lucifer, Satan. Bring her back to me. I can't lose her. She's my everything."

Embry sobbed out a moan of pleasure and love.

"I'm begging you. I just need her. Let me have her." Papa kissed her neck, kissed her jaw line, then placed a very special kiss to Embry's now warm lips.

When he pulled away to look at his love, he stopped thrusting into her and had completely paused.

Her skin was grey, moss covered a few parts of her body and she had black freckles, her eyes glowed a now forest green instead of their light, grey green.

"My Nymph." He said in disbelief, he continued to thrust, still making love to her, seeing this as a good sign.

Embry was literally a forest nymph...

She helps protect the forest, a life sized fairy almost.

Embry had saw her hands, but didn't freak out, she saw that she was a different color and moss was growing from her body, but she had no care.

Papa ran his hand along her body, taking in the feel of her, completely awe struck.

"My little Forest Nymph." He cooed, placing another kiss to her lips.

Pleasure grew between the two as they moaned out for each other, Copia picking up speed.

"I love you. I don't hate you." Embry cried out.

"I love you too, Cara Mia." He placed another kiss to her lips as the two reached climax at the same time.

He slowed down and pulled out, laying down beside her and embracing her once again.

Surely she'll live now... Right?

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