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Embry looked out her mother's car window, watching as everything flew by. Her father was out of the picture and many would say she had Daddy issues. She was damaged, and she knew that.

Her father was a drunken man who lived off of her mother for years, beating her sweet Christian mother who prayed for her husband to find peace and the Lord. She even had Embry pray with her. Everything was so hard after Embry's brother, Allen, had passed away.

Her bother was 5 years older than Embry, and always looked after her, but her brother had took his own life. Embry was only 16.

But she's 17 now and her mother had divorced her father and the two were on their own, ready for a new start.

Embry didn't even care that she had to leave all of her friends behind, they didn't care about her anyway.

Embry prayed to her herself as the car moved closer to their new house, safely put in the bible belt. She prayed that her life would be easier, and that she would find someone who truly loved her.

Her romantic life was shit, everyone knew that, her old friends would tell her that all the time, wouldn't let her live it down. She fell in love with a boy who said he likes her back, but he doesn't date, so they never got together. Until he got together with another girl. While Embry thought he still had feelings. Turns out he was high and had messed up. Broke up with that girl that same day, and begged for Embry's forgiveness. Which after a few days she gave him. You can say she's still madly in love and head over heels for that boy.

Embry sighed at the thought, at all the memories. She was happy she would never see him again. The more she was with him, the more she realized he was a dick. Especially after she heard from one of his friends that he had said, "She came up to me, I never would have gone to her". Talking about how he was embarrassed of her, so on and so on.

Embry was a very religious girl. After so many years of believing God would help her in life, and praying for her and her mother, she was known as the weird girl who was "Overly obsessive with God".

Not only that but she was a little over 200lbs. She was chubby, but damn did she have beautiful curves.

She actually had some sort of an hourglass body if she stood straight enough.

Though recently she's been losing a few pounds.

Her eyes opened when she felt the car come to a complete stop. She was at her new home. The house was big and slightly fancy, and two story house with a basement making it three.

The house was a beautiful dark grey, with white outlines, as well as a white picket fence surrounding the front yard, but behind the house was plenty of land. Even a pond. Plenty of trees.

Embry and her mother looked at the place in Awe. This is just what the two girls needed, a fresh start... And a new, expensive ass house...

The moving van was already in the paved driveway and had already unlocked the door and started to move boxes and furniture in the house.

"Sorry ma'am, but we figured we could get everything in here and then you could tell us where to move it too." An older man with overalls spoke with a southern accent.

They moved to the country, but damn she didn't think they would have that big of accents...

Embry knew she was going to stick out with her New Yorker accent. But at this point she didn't care, all she cared about was getting moved in and picking her room.

She walked up the stairs and found an upstairs living room and two doors. One was a bathroom and the other was a bedroom. Immediately she claimed that as her room.

For some reason as a toddler she loved stairs, she loved upstairs rooms. She didn't understand her obsession, all she knew was that's how she liked it.

The room was a decent size, and she was already imagining how everything would be placed in her new room.

"Bed would go there... Side table there... Bass there... Ukulele beside it... Shelves there... And my beautiful Rat there!" She got excited as she walked around the room. She looked out of her two windows and she gazed out into the woods. All she saw was a pond then trees, and that too is how she liked it.


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