Chapter Sixteen(short chapter)

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The next Sunday had rolled around and Embry had just stepped foot into the church.

Right away Cirice had handed her a pink rose and a pat on the head, which Embry gave her a tight hug in return.

The girl and her mother sat down in the pews and waited for Papa to come from behind the curtain.

But when he did everyone gasped as he stumbled onto the stage, the mic now in his hand.

"You know!" He slurred his words. "I've always hated christians. I've hated their prophecies and their lies!"

Embry was mortified.

More than anyone in the church, the angels quickly tried to take action, but to no avail, he continued.

"Satan! Is the one that never deceives! It was Jesus and the Lord, that son of a bitch," he mumbled, "I mean how can you not see it! He has stupid, useless, hard rules that you have to follow! And no one does!"

The mic was ripped from his hand as a few of the Ghouls hand grabbed ahold of him with horrified looks on their faces, but before he was completely dragged away, Papa yelled, "You're all going to hell!"

Embry jumped out of her pew and escaped her mother's grip, and she stormed to the back stage.

Papa's face lit up, "Cara Mia!"

Embry began to yell, "Don't touch me! I can not believe you! You are drunk! You are a monster! You devil worshiper! You are evil and a terrible person, I can not believe you! You lied to me!" She began to cry, "You used me!"

The Ghouls just stood there in shock and disbelief, but mostly hurt.

Copia tried to walk up to her and embrace her but she quickly dodged him, he was the one that was hurt the most. He was torn...

"I loved you! I had sex with you! I gave you my virginity! I trusted. You." She spat, one of the Ghouls, specifically Cirice had tried to hold onto her and explain, but Embry slapped Cirice...

Every gasped and Papa was in shambles.

"Embry! Please! Listen to me! Please!" But she didn't listen to Copia and walked out instead.

Papa fell to his knees and he cried, hard.

The Ghouls didn't even chase her, but on the floor in front of the Church doors layed a pink rose...

Hear me out. I'm making short chapters to just give tiny scenes, and I know everything just kinda exploded, that's the point, never let them know your next move. But actually it was because I didn't have anything else to happen within those times and I didn't want this book to be long, it was actually only supposed to be 10 chapters to begin with, just a small short story, but it's more than just 10 chapters. We are close to the end, but not that close.

Tbh I am a little rushed because there is another book I gotta start writing and if I start writing it as I am writing this one, this one will never be finished.

So just bare with me, babes.

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