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" Nancy, oh my dear" her mom called out.

Katie , Neha and micheal's mom immediately attended to her.

The family started to panic and the men took out their phones to call the nearby hospital.

" These phone calls are not going through." Micheal cursed in frustration.

John was calling out for the driver. Everyone was running around without having a hold in the situation . The rain and the storm made it all the more worse.

One of the driver came back anxious.
" Sir, there is an uprooted tree in front of the house . I don't think we can use any of the cars."

Panic just took another new level in the household.

Nancy was screaming in pain while all the others pacified her.

And I just stood there not knowing what to do.

Micheal came back to break more bad news." None of the doctors are available to come home. The roads are all piled up with trees and heavy rains. Even the ambulance can't make it easily for our house from the nearest hospital" he was almost crying.

The whole family was broken down right in front of me. Maybe god put me in the right place at the right time.

I took out my phone and thanked the lords that I had two points of signal. I immediately dailed Jenny's number.

" Jenny, i have a situation here. Can you please come with your emergency kit."
I spoke more seriously.

" Roselin what happened?" Jenny asked back with caution. " Are you having labour pains.?"

" No it's not me. It's Michael's sister nancy. She is in labour"

" Ok rose. I left our room to stay with my uncle until the storm was over and luckily I am only a few houses away. I will reach your house in 10 mins. And one of our nurse's house is on the way. I will bring her to."

"Thanks Jenny. See you in ten" and I cut the call.

" What are you going to do?" Katie asked curiously.
But what overthrew her question was Nancy's loud screams.

" Mary , please ask them to shift her to a well ventilated room. I need to look at her. And open my bag to look for a red package. Bring it to the room we take her". I gave my orders and Mary obliged.

I always carried an emergency delivery kit with me wherever I go. I turned to Micheal.

" Micheal I don't have time to explain. But if you really want your sister to be safe, do as I say"

He stood speechless.

Neha cut in." Why would we listen to you. You are just a ...." Before she could finish her sentence I slapped her. Yes . I really did slap her. She was shocked to the core with hands held over her now red coloured cheek.

" Just shut up and let me do my work. If you dare speak another word, that will be the end for you." I threatened her.

I know it was a lot rude of what i did. But when someone interferes with my work I turn into a complete ninja like I have some multiple personality disorder.

" How dare you?" Micheal's mom yelled.

" Look, you can scold me, hate me. But please keep them all aside. Your daughter is your priority right now. And no one can help her except for me. You need me."

" Why do you give yourself so much credit? You are not a doctor to order around." Katie argued

Oh god this family is impossible and giving me a big headache right now.

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