"There, now don't you look cute" Amelia says pinching Sam's red cheeks.

Looking down Amelia sees two grabby hands, one covered in a green cast and the other covered in slobber from being in Sam's mouth.

Picking up the girl Amelia carries her out the room and walks towards a door that leads outside. Sam looks around at the area seeing a big red building off in the distance with a huge playground to the side.

The girl notices a bunch of littles already playing on the playground or walking with their caregivers to the school. Amelia puts the girl on her feet making her whine but ultimately holding the woman's hand.

Walking into a classroom filled with toys and bright colors a teacher walked up to them giving Amelia a hug. Sam stared at the man dressed casually in khaki slacks and a blue short sleeve button down. He has curly red hair that comes down to his shoulders and black glasses.

"It's so good to see you, love" he says to Amelia

"You too Jason, it's been too long" Sam tries to hide behind Amelia thinking no one would be able to see her. Her plan obviously failed when Jason bent down slightly with a smile on his face.

"You must be Sam! It's nice to meet you, I'm Mr.Jason and I'll be your teacher while your here and I promise we will have lots of fun" he says sweetly. Sam only response was to hide her face into Amelia's back to shut out the world.

"Cmon Sam let's go find your seat" Amelia said as she drug Sam over to a desk with her name on it. Pulling out the chair Amelia sat Sam in it and kneeled down to her level.

"Peas don't go" Sam said on the verge of tears.

Amelia literally felt pain hearing the littles words. Leaving her baby in a new environment especially when the two have been so inseparable has got to be one of the most difficult things to do. But she has to be strong for Sam's sake.

"I promise I'll be back" Amelia kissed the littles forehead and wiped away any stray tears. "You'll have so much fun with Mr.Jason you won't want to leave."

Amelia decided to make her exit as quick and painless as possible by not having any long drawn out goodbyes. Making eye contact with Jason she silently gave a signal that she was leaving.

"Hey kiddo, you want to help me with something?" Jason asked Sam trying to distract her from Amelia leaving.

Safe to say it didn't work

"Nuuuuuuu I want mommyyyy" Sam cried out trying to get to Amelia who was halfway out the door. Jason had managed to grab the girl before she could get to far but Amelia was to stunned to move making Sam do grabby hands at her.

"She'll be fine Amelia but it's going to be difficult for her to get adjusted if your still here" Jason has said as lightly as he could. He saw the mental battle going on in Amelia's head but his biggest issue right now was the screaming little he's holding back. Amelia gulped before rushing out the door and wiped a stray tear on her cheek.

Luckily Sam was dropped off before class started so Jason had a little time to calm the girl currently crying her eyes out.

"Hey, she'll be back little one. In the meantime do you want to go play?" Jason asks the girl.

"Nuu I wan go" Sam says between cries. Jason only frowns but suddenly an idea pops into his head.

"Do you like gummy bears Sam?" Those words make Sam's attention immediately turn to the man. The little nods hesitantly still crying but it definitely has calmed down some.

Jason walks over to his desk opening up a drawer to reveal gummy bears. Retrieving the sugary treat he realizes he has Sam's full undivided attention.

"Only a couple or Amelia might kill me" Jason says getting a small laugh out of Sam. Handing a handful of gummy bears to Sam she immediately downs them all quickly.

The two spend the rest of there time quietly with Sam sitting in her chair messing with her cast while sniffing every so often as Jason gets ready for class.

The first couple of littles enter the room energetically immediately going to say their hellos to Mr.Jason.

"Mr.Jason me and Flora were on the swings and while I was swinging I jumped" The boy said excitedly. Sam had recognized his voice and looked up towards him till she noticed it was Danny. Danny was the first and only friend she's made so far so knowing he was in the class alleviate some anxiety.

"Sammmmm" Danny yells when he notices the girl. Tackling the girl in a hug that leaves them both laughing. As the two recuperate Sam notices a shy girl to Danny's left.

"Hi, I'm flora" she says softly. Flora has long blonde hair tied into two pigtails and a pink romper with Mary janes.

"Sam" she responds.

Probably ten more littles enter the room all sitting in their assigned seats. Luckily Danny and flora are placed right next to Sam.

"Alright class to start the day we are going to draw an animal. It can be any animal you want, crayons will be at your table and I am coming around with paper." Jason says to the class

Jason put a bucket of crayons in Sam's group while handing paper out. Once Sam got her paper she already knew what she was going to draw. She looked through the bucket finding a green crayon and got to work.

When she was finished she looked over her dinosaur drawing proudly, wishing Amelia was there to see it. Sam's mood dimmed slightly knowing Amelia wasn't there and Jason noticed the slight mood change from the girl.

"I like your dinosaur" he says to the girl. "And guess what at the end of class when Ms.Amelia picks you up you can show her"

"Really?" Sam said excitedly.

"Yes, really" Jason replied standing up and ruffling Sam's hair.

Class went on for another hour before all the caregivers came to pick up their littles. Of course Amelia was the first one there ready to get her baby girl back.

The second Sam saw her she ran over crashing into Amelia's abdomen for a tight embrace. Amelia picked up the girl to hug her even tighter feeling like if she lets go Sam will disappear.

"I missed you" The woman says kissing her forehead. Sam didn't respond only giving a small grunt.

The two stay like that till all of the littles have gone leaving just them in the room. Jason had left to give them some space knowing first days can be tough.

"I made you picture" Sam said trying to get out of Amelia's hold to show her. Amelia let go reluctantly not wanting Sam to be away from her.

"Ohhh Sam, this is amazing" Amelia said taking the picture in her hands. After studying it for a bit she clutches it to her chest holding back tears in her eyes. She's so happy Sam had a good day and hopes that next time it won't be as difficult as today was for either of them.

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