It was almost dawn when the mom and baby were out of danger after struggling for hours.

Old me would be pumping for the next case. But pregnant me did not want to work any longer.

I wearily sat in the doctors lounge with droppy eyes.

" That was one tough case darling. But you nailed it . You saved our dignity and I am so proud of you " Dr. Lucy answered.

Dr. Lucy was my mentor in everything I did medical. She always treated me like a daughter and encouraged me to aim for more. And the last time we had a big fight was when I told her I was coming back to India leaving my American life behind. She never envied me for my achievements.

" Thank you mam." I smiled back at her.

" You look a lot tired dear. Are you alright". She asked worried.

And then my dam broke. Streams of tears filled my eyes with uncontrollable hiccups. She was immediately by my side as she gave me her motherly hug.
I told her everything except for his family name and who was involved.
She listened keenly only to my sobs and gave her best console.

" Just a few days dear. Then everyone will know the truth on your part" she cooed.

Dr.Lucy insisted that her driver will give me a ride home.

And that's how I entered micheal's mansion in a latest model Audi car. Ya dr.lucy is rich.

The family was having their morning breakfast in the front garden when I got out of the car.

I dint have the energy to deal with another family drama but no, I won't be left alone.

Micheal stood from his chair as he was angry beyond reason.

" Who the hell do you think you are?" He shouted aloud. " It's not even a whole 24 hours since you reached this house and you are already running away without any explanation."

" Micheal please. I am a lot tired . Can we do this a little later?"  I asked with tear stained eyes.

Neha cut in. " Micheal, is that the first question you wanna ask her? Did you look at her ride? Yesterday night she left in an auto and this morning she came back in a luxury car with a messed up hair and a crumbled dress. Do you see the connection? Who does a night job like that? And you said you found her in the hotel that evening. Right?. It all adds up isn't it.? Just let me ask her directly"
" Roseline, how much do you get paid for one night ah?"  Her voice was so devilish and strung like a scorpion.

I knew what she meant. She meant I was an prostitue.

" Are you that retorted Neha. Don't you know about any other jobs at night that requires heavy work?"

" What else will make you look like this? I am all ears. Enlighten me." Micheal stood with his hands folded with a deadly stare.

Micheal's mother showed clear signs of losing her temper. " I thought i made the right decision when i told you to stay here. But by the way you have behaved yesterday and never returned micheal's call, I am starting to reconsider everything. It may not be my son's child. You have three hours to pack your things. Leave this place at once." 

I didn't have any more words in me to fight back. This family was really starting to stress me out a lot.

Maybe my child doesn't need her father. I can take care of my child for the both of us. may be now is not the time. Maybe i will come back after the baby is born.

Just then little drops of rain touched my skin and everyone ran to the mansion.

I started packing my stuff and was ready to go. But then nature didn't think so. Breaking news was making its way to all the channels and our cellphones.

My phone flashed with the news.
Warning: Severe rainfall and storm expected to hit us in a few hours. Everyone is warned to find shelter immediately.

Great. Just great.

I pulled my luggage towards the living room.

" Thanks for the food last night. I am leaving"

" You don't have to leave now. You can go after the rain stops." Micheal spoke in a soft voice.

" No it's fine. I can take care of myself. You already made judgements about me without asking me what really happened. I don't want to spend any more time with this family . I am leaving. It's your loss that you don't get to be a part of your child's life." I started moving again.

" We are not so cruel to allow a pregnant women to walk in the rain. Stay the night. Leave the house the minute the storm stops."

And unfortunately someone else wanted to grab the thunder.
It was micheal's pregnant elder sister Nancy.

She cried out in pain and balanced herself on the sofa.

" Mom, I think I am in labour."

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