chapter five

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Meanwhile, Bon is trying to find Iva. He goes trough the cells, asking the prisoners on the level if they know anything about his whereabouts. After not gaining any useful information for a while, he finally runs into a prisoner, who tells him that Iva was last seen near a cabin near the woods, which actually used to be Magellan's old office. Bon heads to the woods in attempt to find Iva, who might be able to help Luffy out, not knowing that even more wolves await in the trees.

As Bon Clay is deep into the forest in search of the cabin, determined to save Luffy no matter what, freezing to death, he hears quiet growls. Wolves are now surrounding the two, forcing Bon to fight them off, despite him being barely able to move, and a few manage to bite him.

Luffy suddenly wakes up, bites one of the wolves, then yells for them to get away. The wolves are instantly struck by his Haki and run away as fast as possible, scared of Luffy, who faints right after this. Bon looks at the unconcious Luffy, amazed at what he just did, and he loses balance as he faints too, falling into the cold snow.

26 hours remain until Ace's execution.

It's been a while since i last saw Bon and Luffy, and now i am on the search for them. As i am calling out their names, i end up in a forest, a dead wolf proving that someone was here. I notice footsteps in the snow, and decide to follow them in hopes of finding the others.

But at one point, the footsteps dissapeared, being entirely covered by snow. It has been hours, and i knew that i had to do something. Then, i remembered why we were here in the first place. So, i decided to gather information on Ace's execution and when they will take him to Marineford.

9 AM. We don't have much time...

As i was heading back to Level 5, i saw Luffy running towards Level 6's entrance, along with two weird-looking people. I quickly take out the guards in the way, and head towards Luffy.

"Luffy! Good to see you!" i say as i catch up to the trio.
"Oh, y/n! You're here too!" he smiles, like he wasn't on the brink of death not long ago.
"We gotta hurry, they are taking Ace to Marineford at 9 AM sharp, we don't have much time left. They might have already taken him..."

After taking out anyone and anything in our way, we finally enter Level 6. I lead them to the cell Ace was in, only to find out he isn't there. The only person in the cell was Jinbe. Ace has been taken...

"He already has been taken to Marineford. But you can still catch up to him if you hurry" he speaks after realising who Luffy was. We head to the lift, but when Iva tries the control panel to get the lift down, he finds it locked. Luffy opts to just climb out of the level, but notices a spike trap at the top of the lift which comes crashing down and would have hit him had he not jump back.

Iva quickly realized that our actions are being monitored from the Den Den Mushis, so of course security would have barred our way. We try to head back to Level 5's entrance, but the gate crashes down before we can get out, trapping us on the level. Just as this happens, we notice that some kind of sleeping gas is flooded into the level to hold us here until security arrives.

Inazuma turns his hands into scissors, then cuts up the floor of the prison and wraps it around the vents to keep the gas from getting through.

Iva manages to disable the monitor Den Den Mushis, but Ace is already out of the prison and is being transferred to the Marines. Despite this, Luffy states that if Ace is heading to Marine Headquarters, then so will he.

Iva tried to convince him not to go, but Luffy was stubborn, saying that if he didn't go and let Ace get executed, he'll regret it for the rest of his life.   

Suddenly, we hear a deep voice from one of the cells.
"Long time no see, Strawhat!" Crocodile smiles. He offered to help us out by creating a hole for us to get out of the level. Crocodile wasn't planning on going outside ever again, since he lost interest in the outside world, but upon hearing that the legendary Whitebeard was going to war against the Marine forces, he wanted to get out of here.

Much to our suprise, Luffy has no intention of letting the man out to help us. On the other hand, Iva states that he should come along, since he had the title Warlord for a good reason, and he could be really helpful.

Suddenly, Jinbe speaks up, asking, no, begging Luffy to take him to Marineford with us, since he wants to save Ace, and is even willing to die a "glorious death".

Luffy agrees to this, and Inazuma frees both Crocodile and Jinbe of their chains.

Together, we created a spiral stairway, leading to a hole on the ceiling. We rush up, and find ourselves in a place that Iva calls Newkama Land. He tells the prisoners there to cause chaos, free other prisoners, and cause a riot to keep security occupied while Luffy escapes.

In a stairway leading to Level 4 from Level 5, Luffy, Crocodile, Jinbe and I rush on. Jinbe mentions that the execution is set for 3 PM and that Whitebeard could make his move at any point while Ace is on the ocean. Meanwhile, Crocodile is ahead us, and has already turned the entrance to Level 4 to sand.

The guards there were waiting, but we easily cleared the way. The guards saw that they have no chance against two Warlords, the girl dubbed as "The Ghost", and the future pirate king.

As we make our way out, we see Bon Clay heading our way. He was with Crocodile and another guy, who not even Luffy remembered.

It's time to head for the Marine Headquarters!

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