chapter three

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As we are trying to get a level below, i hear as Luffy and Buggy get into an arguement of whether we should go lower or make our escape from the prison. Luffy obviously think that we should go to the lowest level and save Ace, while Buggy and Mr. 3 think it's better if we leave while we have a slight chance.

They attack each other, and the ground below us breaks at the impact of their (mostly Luffy's) powerful attack, making us fall to the level below us. It was the level Bon was previously talking about, aka level four, Blazing Hell. It was extremely hot here, the floor beneath our feet being pure flames. We were lucky enough to land on the debris of the previous floor that the two idiots destroyed.

We arrived on a bridge near this place called "Lake of Blood", when Luffy randomly trailed off to another direction. Bon Clay realised that that's where the kitchen is, and Luffy is likely heading there. As he was heading there, a few guards spotted him and quickly rushed to get him. As soon as Luffy noticed them, he easily took them out.

Meanwhile, Mr. 3 and Buggy are talking, noticing the guard's formation and fearing that we'll be locked on the level with Impel Down's "All Stars".
"That's just stupid, they probably haven't even been informed about us being here! We are going to save Ace and leave. Right?" i start getting unsure as i hear unusual sounds coming our way.

As Luffy and Bon are heading towards the kitchen, Magellan suddenly falls from above, with powers already activated and ready to fight. I try to get to them, but the floor beneath me breaks, making me take a few steps back. Now, there was a gap between the two group, me, Buggy, and Mr. 3 being on one side, while Luffy and Bon Clay were on the other.

Seeing this, the remaining prison guards are quickly trying to get out of the Chief Warden's way, begging him to not get into a fight while they are still there, so that they don't get swept up in his extremely dangerous poison. Luffy notices the warden, but instead just sighs at the fact that he was not able to get food as he faces Magellan.

"LUFFY! DON'T TRY TO FIGHT HIM!" Bon and I yell at the rubber man, informing him of Magellan's poison power and that he should just simply forget about the food and get Ace, then escape. But Magellan then tells us that he has the prison guards and the staff blocking all the exits, effectively trapping us on this level with no way out and no choice other than death, just as Mr. 3 predicted.

He also reveals that he actually intends to make Luffy and me tell him why and how we got in Impel Down, despite not being sentenced to prison. Luffy, knowing that Boa will be in trouble if that happens, yells he will not tell even if he dies. Hearing this, the warden gets mad, and the fighting begins. Magellan uses his poison Hydra and sends it after the two, forcing Luffy and Bon to run away while a few lingering guards are caught in the wave of deadly poison. Meanwhile, i try to find a way out, so that the kid and Bon Clay can get out safely. I did not care about Buggy or Mr. 3.

Bon tells Luffy about the poison, and how it attacks the nervous system and induces pain until it kills the victim after time, while the guards around them are begging for antidotes. I felt bad for the unfortunate victims, but i only had one antidote, and i am not going to use it in some random prison guard. Considering our situation, there was a big chance that Luffy or Bon will need it more.

  Magellan tells the guards not to get near him, while Luffy is quick to jump off the bridge and he grabs onto a hanging spike platform, swinging himself onto it, and burning himself in the process since he was swinging over hot, burning flames. He manages to destroy one of the Hydras who plunges into the Lake of Blood, while the rest are out of range to attack Luffy or Bon.

Magellan blows a poison bubble towards Luffy, calling it Chloro Ball, and it explodes the moment it reaches the platform. Luffy manages to jump to another one to avoid the explosion, but gas suddenly appears from it. The guards quickly put on masks, shouting and panicking that it's the sneezing tear gas, causing Luffy's eyes to water and sneeze uncontrollably, along with the other inmates, including me. The tears in my eyes causing my vision to become blurry, as i try to hold back the sneeze, feeling extreme pain in my whole being, especially my eyes.

  Magellan has the Hydra stretch to where Luffy is suffering the exact fate as me, to which the warden "swims" to the boy through it, naming the technique "Venom Road".

To my surprise, Magellan takes off his horns, fits them over his hands and tries to stab Luffy with them, while the horns were coated with poison, the wall that Magellan punched instead of Luffy making it evident as the bricks basically melt when they make contact with the poison.

Magellan strikes again but Luffy redirects the attack with his foot onto the platform, causing it to break and sending him falling toward the flames, though Luffy saves himself by using his "Gomu Gomu no Stamp" to knock himself back onto the main bridge where i was standing. I quickly rush over to him.

:Luffy, i want you to take this, it will likely become really useful" i say as i give him the antidote that i had with myself, to which he nods as response, clutching the antidote. I knew that i will not be able to stop Luffy from fighting Magellan, so i did what i could to keep the boy alive. I won't need it anyways since the poison can go trough me.

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