never call me pt 2

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never call me by jhené aiko
8:15 PM

lotus left cameron's house at 7:35 after the altercation. cameron was worried about her and how he could make it right.

his mind was running rapid, everything with their relationship feels safe he didn't want to mess that up.

cameron made sure that mira left and he hoped to never see her again after what he told her.

cameron was in his hellcat he wasn't paying attention to any speed limits throughout the city in that moment they didn't matter.

the only thing he could think of was lotus being done with him, he could only think of the worst.

his body was still heated due to his temper being risen, his adrenaline was rising even more now.

he drove in complete silence the only thing that could be heard was his engine, he didn't give himself time to connect to the Bluetooth.

he grabbed his phone out of lap immediately typing in his password all while gazing at the road ahead making sure he didn't crash.

his password was the date that him and lotus became official.

he clicked onto lotus's contact which was " my baby " in his phone, this was his fifth time calling and not receiving an answer.

this time her phone went straight to voicemail he muttered " fuck... " he was heavily frustrated.

he was so angry he wanted to cry, all of this could've been avoided if mira just respected his boundaries and relationship.

he was only five minutes away from her house, mentally he was trying to calm himself down and reassure himself that everything will be fine even though he isn't sure.

he turned down the street that their house is on luckily the gates don't close until 10 PM so he didn't have any trouble getting in.

he pulled into their driveway, parking the car and then immediately turning it off.

the only thing he brought was his phone, he had clothes at lotus's house anyways he wasn't going anywhere but next to her.

going up to the door he rung the door hearing lotus's father's bahamian accent " who is it? " .

" it's cam i came here to see lotus... " caneron spoke clearly to make sure he heard him the first time.

lotus's father opened the door to let him in " hello son, how are you? "

" I'm doing okay, is lotus awake? " cameron asked frantically.

" yes, she's a bit down I'm not sure why but she didn't want to talk about it. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find out. " lotus's father said as he locked the door him and his wife made sure he wasn't going to get back on the road this late at night.

cameron made his way upstairs to lotus's room, he knocked on the door gently waiting for an answer.

" who is it? " lotus's gentle voice asked.

" it's cameron... " cameron said easing into the room because he knew that she didn't want to see him.

lotus's back was turned to him as she laid down she was facing the wall and the lights in her room was dim as the FX show called " The Bear " played lowly in the background.

" cameron I told you to figure it out first... " she responded with a attitude.

cameron took his shoes off by the door and rolled his eyes out of frustration he completely understood why she was upset by the way things looked.

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