what a day

980 65 0

location : highway
5:15 PM

" I pulled up in that eighteenth letter repeat buggy, had to switch the hue cause them LA boys smuggy but more likely to get hurt by somebody who love me. " what a day by tyler, the creator blared through the speakers of cameron's hellcat due to lotus's phone being connected to the Bluetooth.

lotus relaxed in the passenger seat watching the scenery as they passed by swiftly. " what shit you be on during your free time? " cameron asked.

causing lotus to look over at him before saying " I like to draw, skate specifically on a penny board, travel and just be out in nature far or near, I like being at lakes on jet skis or just being there to enjoy the silence... "

" riding on yachts and driving atv's that's what my reference point of what outside is, I just really enjoy being outside with my loved ones. "

" mainly out doors because I'm from the country, so things like that is normal. " she added on since she lived in south carolina majority of her life.

cameron nodded as he took everything in creating a mental note just in case this went anywhere outside of this duo project " do you enjoy partying? " he asked while yielding off at a light.

" yes, only if it's like my loved ones party because if not my anxiety will be on edge... at a club I wouldn't be able to relax. " she replied back briefly as she played with strands of her hair.

" so spontaneous shit basically? " he questioned causing her to reply back with a low " yes... "

today was the day that they'll finish up the project and submit it to their teacher on classroom. he pulled into the parking lot of the public park.

putting the car in park, they gathered everything they needed before getting out. " what do you be on during your free time? " lotus asked as they walked side by side on the trail towards the lake.

" hmm.... honestly I just be with my boys we just smoke & go wherever we feel, I do feel like I need to get out of my comfort zone. " he said as he rubbed his chin.

" we can work on that... " lotus added on as she looked over at him squinting a bit due to the sun being in her eyes.

" aight cool... " cameron said as a smile went across his face, lotus admired it she always thought that he had a pretty smile.

" I like your smile, it's pretty I've always noticed it not on some weird shit though I'm not like a stalker or nothing. " lotus blurted out without thinking twice not even giving herself a chance to become nonverbal due to stumbling over words.

causing cameron to laugh before saying " thank you lotus... I've always thought that you were beautiful not on some weird stalker shit though. " he returned a compliment.

" awwww thank you, aight shut up before I start blushing. " lotus said as she hid her face with her hands as they came face to face with the lake, they were becoming comfortable with each other more & more each time they hung out.

" nigga you're literally blushing, it's okay. " cameron replied back with a laugh catching a glance as he removed her hands away from her face.

back at it again & shit, until next time idk when that'll be lol. peace - author

rich spiritTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang