S01E03:The New Jerry

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Estelle pov:

I was in the Alps with the girls cause Jerry sent us on a stupid mission

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I was in the Alps with the girls cause Jerry sent us on a stupid mission.

To stop avalanches.

I know!

Lamest mission ever.

"Here goes another one."i said as i see another avalanche and goats who were peacefully eating grass are now running for their lives.

Sam blast the Evapo Blaster and it did what it name says.

It melted all the ice and turned it into water.

"New WHOOP State-of-the-art Technology, please.The Evapo Blaster is nothing but a glorified hairdryer."said Alex.

Would you stop complaining.

"I agree.That mission was totally lame.I mean avalanche patrol,what are we spies or forest rangers."said Clover.

That i agree.

"Neither,apparently we're goat babysitters."i said.

We start our snowmobiles and drove away.

Estelle's house...
We were at my house after the mission to chill and it was night-time.

I was sitting on the couch with the others while eating a tub of cookies n cream icecream

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I was sitting on the couch with the others while eating a tub of cookies n cream icecream.

"I thought this whole spy gig was supposed to be fun.So much for the days of exciting missions in exotic places."said Alex and she take a spoonful of my ice cream.

I'll fight you over ice cream,don't test me.

"At least we can be psyched about our big snowboarding trip this weekend."said Clover.

"Yeah what do you say we forget about Jerry's boring missions and focus on what is really important."said Sam.

I think we all know what it is.

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