Florida Trip...Day 1 (Complete)

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My grandparents came from El Salvador to stay for vacation. At this time I was working at Chick-Fil-A. It was so much fun, being under the sun with no AC, just Heat, it was lovely.

I had asked for a whole week off since I was going to Florida, with my family, and other family members that we would meet in Florida.

I didn't know that Adrian was coming until two days before the trip. During this time, I had months that I had broken up with Bryan. The reason wasn't even a reason, it was mainly his jealousy towards Adrian, but no matter how many times I assured him and talked to him for hours about it, nothing changed his mind, he was obsessed with Adrian being the problem in everything. If I didn't text back fast enough it was because I was too busy talking to Adrian. I stayed up at night because I was on the phone with Adrian.

When I was with him, I didn't even talk to Adrian much or in general frankly we were both in relationships, we catch up every now and then but nothing serious.

Well during the trip I was in the same car as Adrian, he was the one driving for a while, I was on my phone most of the way till we parked at a gas station, don't remember the reason as to why, but my mom got out of the car along with grandma and went to the restroom. I stayed in the car with Adrian. We were talking for a while about the trip and all.

Then I was telling him how I and Bryan had broken up. I didn't say every detail but most of why. To my surprise, he had also ended things with his girl. A coincidence much. So Adrian told me why he had broken up with his girl and how he felt. I couldn't say much because I understood both sides, from her and him. And when someone tells you something that hurts them they don't want to hear how you side with the other person, or see a balance, most of the time they just want someone to listen, which is what I was doing.

Nah... I lied, I was telling him what I thought, about her side and his side. I don't side with anyone but I express an opinion on how the girl might have felt mainly because I was in the same situation and I did something similar to what she did. The girl he was dating, by the way, was drop-dead gorgeous.

The whole time we were waiting for my mom's husband to get to where we were since they were behind us. Adrian and I had great conversations, for a while. When my mom's husband arrived at the location I and my sister switched cars, so now I was riding with my mom's husband and my grandpa and Adrian was with my mom, sister, and grandma.

The ride was long... we stopped at Chick-Fil-A and a subway along the way, since we got hungry. My mom got to the house she rented for us to stay at. We were behind. We got there when it was already night. My uncle and his family were already there, they got there from Virginia. We were the last ones to arrive.

When we got there I was relieved I was sitting down for hours. I said hi to my family, talked a little... Later they divided the rooms I was going to sleep with my aunt and my cousin while my sister was going to sleep with my mom and her husband and Adrian.

My mom, her husband, and my uncle were in the living room downstairs doing karaoke.

The house was two floors and had about four rooms, which were all upstairs. Had a pool and a nice patio with a TV outside, the walls were decorated with shells, it was beautiful. The garage had floaties and other things. We brought food and cooking essentials just in case we needed them.

It was my uncle with his wife and her two kids. One of her kids came with her boyfriend, along with my grandpa (Papitas brother) and my aunt with her daughter, and another guy who I think was trying to get with my aunt. And then it was my grandparents (Papita & Mamita), my mom, her husband and my sister, and me at the house.

As they were doing karaoke my uncle's wife was in her room with her kids, asleep I think. I was in the room where my sister was going to sleep. It was Adrian and me. We were all on our phones just scrolling our lives away, we talked for a while. Later my sister put headphones on and turned around to face the walls. The lights were off so it was pretty dark.

Do keep in mind we were now both single and ready to mingle. No, we weren't... but from my side, I was not going to let this opportunity go to waste.

So I started teasing Adrian. We were on the floor. Why? Don't know, my sister was literally next to us, the bed was right there but she was not looking or hearing us... or so I think. And so I began to touch Adrian's inner thigh slowly sliding my hand to his dick. I leaned into his ear and kissed it lightly. "You want to fuck me..." I whisper.

If I'm being honest I was just trying to provoke him. I just love teasing him. It's fun. Sometimes, he just takes it because he can't do anything but sometimes... Well, let's say I'm at his mercy.

Adrian's patience was not so good at this moment... I mean it was risky, but this guy loves to take the risk anytime and anywhere. And I sure do love it... it's thrilling honestly, who knows what could happen and I'm waiting to see what comes next. Do we get caught, do we get away with it, do things get riskier, the excitement just grows as I think about all of these things, but of course, I also have a voice in my head that tells me to stop, sometimes I listen sometimes I just say fuck it and see what happens.

Do we take the risk... and take things far knowing my sister is there, knowing that at any moment she could turn around and see us, though it's dark you can still see figures.

Don't know about you but I'm quite excited... in all aspects.

To be continued...

[Authors Note]

Ah we love the clip hanger, I know I sure as hell don't but for the fun of it why not.

Must say... this trip was one of the craziest ones I had yet... Very risky. It was quite exciting if you know what I mean.

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